7 results found.

  • Adult Slumber Party Breakfast

    Whether you’re crashing on the couch after a friend’s house party or you’re just straight up throwing a slumber party with your pals (and you’ve long since graduated from elementary school), enjoying breakfast together the next day while reliving the previous night’s adventures is always lots of fun. Sure, going out for brunch and mimosas […]

  • The Full Irish Breakfast

    As we continue to celebrate all things delicious at this time of year, we turn our attention to another Irish treasure: the traditional Full Irish Breakfast. Legend has it that this hearty breakfast was the Irish farmer’s favorite way to start the day and fuel up for long hours of strenuous farm work… and hearty […]

  • Brinner: Breakfast for Dinner

    Literally meaning to break the fasting period that began the prior evening after dinner, breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, giving us the energy we need to get up and get going. Foods we associate with breakfast here in the west include eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, hashbrowns, and pancakes, usually served […]

  • Luvo Hacks: Breakfast Edition

    Do you think healthy eating takes too much time? Sleep in a little longer with these quick and healthy breakfast hacks using your favorite Luvo day-starters.

  • Rise and Dine—4 Breakfast Problems Solved

    You’ve heard it before: Eat breakfast! Mom was right, and for many reasons. Breakfast gives your brain the energy it needs to focus, so you can tackle your to-do list and function at your best level. Another perk: breakfast reboots your metabolism

  • How to Make the Perfect Breakfast for Mom

    There’s no better gift for a busy mom than a little extra sleep, so why not surprise her with a leisurely breakfast in bed? Here’s everything you’ll need to “wow” her this Sunday:

  • Our Food: See All Breakfasts

  • Endive 101

    In season in the fall, endive is a nutritious leafy vegetable that kind of looks like a miniature hybrid of lettuce and cabbage. The leaves have a tender crunchiness and their flavor is a little on the bitter side. Alongside its cousins radicchio, escarole and frisee, you sometimes see endive coming into play in fancy […]

  • Sweet Sweet Potato Recipes

    It was a big deal when I discovered sweet potatoes. I don’t remember eating them growing up, so it when I found out about them I feel like I became an adult. I mean, here was a totally new type of potato with tons of flavor and a whole lot of nutritional value (including off […]

  • How to Eat Healthy While You Travel

    We’ve all been there. You’re in a foreign city, sleep-deprived and trying to find your bearings, but your phone’s map doesn’t work because you don’t want to rack up roaming charges. It’s the absolute worst time to be low on energy because you haven’t eaten well, or haven’t eaten anything at all. The good news? […]

  • DIY Granola

    Ah, granola, the plain yogurt’s savior and breakfast bliss bowl‘s accoutrement. So ingrained in our society, granola is now an adjective for your neighbourhood lady who composts regularly and wears Birkenstocks year round. Though traditionally associated with health, these days the standard, store-bought granola can often exceed the amount of sugar found in a can of […]

  • Reinventing Oatmeal

    Oatmeal is one of the rare foods that has transcended the ages. Your mother might have eaten it, and your mother’s mother. The reason is simple: it’s healthy, easy to prepare and relatively inexpensive. Despite daily competition from sugary cereals, greasy sandwiches and breakfast bars, oatmeal is a consistent companion that delivers a healthy start […]

  • 10 Things You Miss About Family Dinners Once You’re in Your 20s

    1. Sneaking Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets into Your Parents’ Shopping Carts Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets We’ve all been there. You’re nine years old, and all you can think about is bragging to your friends about all the Tyson® Chicken Nuggets you can eat. But step one is getting said chicken nuggets into your house. You’ve devised a not-so-original (but […]

  • Beans Around the World

    Beans are an essential pantry item around the globe. They’re affordable, packed with protein and fiber, and their culinary possibilities are virtually unlimited. Depending on where you are in the world, beans can take on very different roles. Sometimes they’re even used in desserts! Here’s a breakdown of some popular global dishes that highlight the […]

  • Oats on Anything

    If you’ve been to a café lately, which I’m just going to assume you have, you’ve probably seen a delicious snack or square made even tastier-looking by the presence of flaky oats sprinkled on top. There are few foods these days not touched by the presence of oats, a miracle food if ever there was […]

  • Know Your Apples

    Apples are big in North America. Grown in every state, and several Canadian provinces, they’ve been ubiquitous here since arriving with colonists in the 17th century. Hundreds of years later we have a huge array of apple types that range from sweet to tart, mushy to crisp.

  • Take Yogurt From Sweet to Savory

    If the thought of swapping your fruity yogurt for a savory yogurt makes you furrow your brow in befuddlement, hear me out! Savory yogurt can be a surprisingly delicious way to fuel your morning (or any time of day, really). Just think–yogurt is often the base for savory dips and dressings, so why not pick […]

  • How to Grow Sprouts

    I never thought the day would come where I’d proclaim to the world that I love sprouts! And my love runs deep. One of my favorite breakfasts/lunches/dinners is a nice and chewy toasted Montreal-style bagel with cream cheese and a pile of sprouts on top. Sprouts are a great salad topper and add delicious crunch […]

  • Matcha Time

    Matcha is everywhere. The powdered green tea has been around for a long time, but lately it’s getting more media attention and showing up often in green-tinged food items in cafes and grocery stores around the world. Powdered tea has been consumed for over a thousand years and has a strong connection to Zen Buddhism. […]

  • Former executives from Whole Foods and Starbucks have teamed up to revolutionize frozen food — here’s how it tastes

    Starbucks and Whole Foods are bringing healthy meals to the frozen food aisle with a new company called Luvo. Luvo targets healthy eaters with meals under 300 calories featuring whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The food is also low in sugar and sodium and doesn’t include preservatives or artificial ingredients. John Mitchell, the chef behind […]

  • Tell the FDA: Nutrition Label Updates are Long Overdue

    According to the Dietary Guidelines 2015 Scientific Report, almost all Americans are exceeding targets for added sugar consumption. There is strong and convincing evidence that consuming too much added sugar is linked with higher body weights and poorer health outcomes. The trouble is, our current food label makes it tricky to find unsuspecting sources of […]

  • The Nutrition Questions I’m Always Asked

    From the playground to the Player’s Tribune events, I’m quite a popular gal. I’d like to say it’s my winning personality that draws the fanfare, but often it’s the fact that as a dietitian, I’m available to answer all of those nagging, personal questions about food and nutrition that leave you wondering…what’s the real story? […]

  • 6 Recipes to make in your Waffle Maker

    A year or so ago, you got a waffle iron as a gift for your Birthday/Wedding/Anniversary/Christmas/or whatever it was. At first, the idea of hot and fresh waffles every morning sounded like, well, the BEST IDEA EVER, but after a few too many meals accompanied by syrup and butter, you got tired of waffles. The […]

  • TV Dinners in a Netflix World

    SOLON, Ohio — The pizza arrived, mozzarella melting on a red crushed tomato blanket dotted with brilliant green spinach aboard a crispy, irregularly shaped crust dusted here and there with ash. The only hint that it had emerged from the freezer rather than the nearby wood-fired oven in the culinary kitchen at Nestlé’s new research […]

  • Millet 101

    Millet is a nutritious, gluten-free, nutty-tasting grain that’s popular all over the world, but it’s just starting to pick up steam here as more people are exploring the diverse world of healthy grains. It’s rich in dietary fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins. Like many other grains, it can be served on its own […]

  • Instagram Cage Match: Latte Art vs. Bliss Bowls

    Instagram is a fascinating place where you can get sucked into a black hole that started with an innocent ‘like’ on a friend’s breakfast photo and spiraled out of control and now you’re creeping your ex’s sister’s new husband’s BFF’s magnificent beard game and wondering who the heck this chick named

  • Make It in A Mug: Try Whipping Up This Quick Peach Cobbler

    Peaches are one of the best summer fruits around if you ask us and seeing as it’s officially Peach Month, it’s time to truly show love for our fuzzy skinned friends. There are lots of ways to celebrate Peach Month—with your morning oatmeal, in your water or even on the grill. Of course, peach pie and […]

  • Why Derek Jeter, Russell Wilson, and a 12-Time Olympic Medalist Invested in This Food Startup

    Luvo recently launched a brand ambassador program with high profile athletes — including its most recent, professional swimmer Nathalie Coughlin. These days, Natalie Coughlin is doing more than just training at the pool for her next challenge. The 12-time Olympic medalist is investing time and money into Luvo, the Vancouver, British Columbia-based frozen food startup. Joining the high ranks of Derek […]

  • Diving in with Natalie Coughlin

    It’s only been three months since I first met Natalie in her hometown of Lafayette, CA and in this short time, she’s managed to break a new American Record in swimming and land the cover of ESPN’s coveted 2015 Body Issue. She was also in Toronto competing in the Pan

  • How to Make a Meal Out of Toast

    There’s something very comforting about the smell of toast. It reminds me of simple breakfasts of my childhood when I would go through different phases… there was strawberry jam week, then my

  • Bacon Guide

    There aren’t many foods that evoke more fiery passion than bacon. It’s one of those rare items that will make people look forward to getting out of bed in the morning, or to wait in line for brunch. Much more than just a breakfast food, it’s become an obsession, an edible icon. What makes it […]

  • 6 Things to Cook in Your Muffin Tin

    I love finding new and interesting ways to use the cookware I have on hand, and them muffin tin is one of those multi-use baking vessels you can use to make a ton of other things aside from the conventional muffin. Quick and easy breakfasts, savory snacks, and other bite-sized, portable treats

  • Pass the Peas, Please! 6 Delicious Recipes

    One of my fondest childhood memories involves picking pea pods straight off the bush at my grandparents’ farm on the outskirts of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I just loved popping open the pods and

  • Russell Wilson at 39,000 feet

    I don’t think you can ever prep for the day you’re sitting beside a Superbowl champion at 39,000 feet altitude. But Russell Wilson is sporting a Hawaiian shirt with jeans, and his relaxed and friendly demeanour invites me to just sit back and enjoy the ride with the 26-year old Seattle Seahawks’ quarterback.

  • Luvo Hacks: Tandoori Spiced Chicken

    We’ve seen you get creative with our entrées, plump up our pilafs, beef up our breakfasts and add some flare to our flatbreads. It’s time to transform our newest Indian-inspired entrée. Check out three easy ways to put delicious spins on our tasty Tandoori Spiced Chicken with Mango, Brown Rice & Cauliflower:

  • Cool Things in Canada That Aren’t Igloos

    Canada is cool! And not just in the temperature sense (it actually gets pretty hot in some places). Not only are Luvo headquarters located in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, but our good-for-you snacks, breakfasts and entrees (which you’ve been enjoying south of the border for a while) are now available here too! Super cool.

  • Not Just Dessert: 6 Savory Pies to Try Now

    Some people are born with a sweet tooth, while others are into the savory scene. I’m more of the latter, so when I was tasked with researching the world of savory pies, I was all over it. Savory pies are great for many reasons. They’re relatively easy to make. After a little bit of elbow […]

  • Spring Training Tips for Non-Athletes

    Spring is finally here! Baseball season is officially underway, and before long it will be time to hit the beach. If you’re feeling a little anxious about baring some skin, and you’re ready for a fresh start, here are six simple steps to healthy-ing up your eating habits and getting in tip top shape – […]

  • Building a Balanced Bowl

    The obsession with colorful, veggie-filled bowls is in full swing on all of my social media feeds, and unlike the 2014 trend of ‘everything you want to eat is in a mason jar now’, this trend is solely responsible for getting me back into the kitchen cooking more than just my daily Luvo meal.

  • Oatmeal 7 Ways

    Oats! You didn’t know it was National Oatmeal Cookie Day? Well since we’re on the topic, did you know oatmeal is one of the worlds’ healthiest foods? It’s “heart-friendly” (aka proven to lower cholesterol levels with its high-fibre content), and provides unique antioxidants that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by removing unhealthy

  • Celebrate Zucchini

    It was National Zucchini Bread Day this past week! The zucchini (also known as a summer squash) is one of the most popular vegetables worldwide, and also one of the most low-calorie with only 17 calories per 100g! A fantastic source of dietary fibre and antioxidants, these crunchy delights are even proven to protect against colon […]

  • Luvo Hacks: Flatbreads

    Now that we’ve plumped up your pilaf, packed more protein into your breakfast and spiced-up your favorite entrées, it’s time to add some flare to your flatbreads. Impress your friends and family with these tasty takes on your favorite Luvo FBs:

  • The Power of Peanut Butter

    Underwhelmingly described by Wikipedia as a ‘food paste’, peanut butter is so much more than that. A top performer in savory and sweet recipes, peanut butter has a wide array of culinary applications beyond the classic PB&J sandwich, and it delivers some essential nutrition as well. 

  • Beat the Blues with 10 Blueberry Recipes!

    National Blueberry Pie Day is right around the corner – you know what that means. Time to get your pie-baking materials out, and your hands dirty. Blueberries are the among the worlds’ favorite fruits (second only to strawberries)[1]. They’re a classic breakfast garnish, summertime delight, popular smoothie choice, and also have a handful of amazing […]

  • Eat This, Do That

    A couple times a week I fall into the “I’m too busy/tired/lazy to cook” zone. I find myself stranded with my debit card, knees-deep in the whole “French fries count as vegetables and anything that says ‘organic’ is good for me” internal reasoning that often comes along with ordering take-out food. Even though I eat […]

  • Top 7 Recipes you HAVE to put bananas in!

    If you think Bananas are just for monkeys, think again! National Banana Day is right around the corner and we are going to celebrate by honoring all the delicious banana-related recipes out there. Never again will you think of bananas as humble, plain, and ordinary – we guarantee you’ll be

  • 8 Awesome Foods-on-a-Stick

    It was National Food-on-a-Stick Day this past weekend, which basically means we all have an excuse to find every and any type of foods-on-a-stick and gorge ourselves on them. Fortunately for us, there’s actually quite a few creative, delicious and healthy recipes out there for us to feast our eyes on (and soon our tummies!) Here’s […]

  • Futuristic Foodie Gadgets You Need Right Now

    Whenever I’m in the kitchen, I’m all about saving space and time while also looking super cool. Check out my list of frivolous kitchen gadgets designed to make your life easier and bring your kitchen one step closer to the future.

  • Luvo Hacks: Pilaf

    We’ve brought you entree hacks, ways to whip up tasty breakfast hacks and now we turn our efforts onto one of Luvo’s most versatile meals – pilafs.

  • Ode to the Potato

    March is synonymous with many wonderful things, including that special holiday where we bust out every green piece of clothing we own and drink (probably too much) green beer in celebration of the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. It’s also the perfect time of year to pay homage to the almighty potato, in season […]

  • 6 Ways to Boost Your Protein

    Are you getting enough protein? Most sources suggest it should make up about 20 to 30 percent of your daily calories. If you’re active and athletic, you might want to aim for the higher end, since protein is essential for repairing muscles. So what are the best ways to bump up your intake?

  • Greek Yogurt Parfait with Seasonal Fruit Chia Jam

    A seasonal confection perfect for breakfast or dessert, packed full of energy-induing nutrients without compromising on taste.

  • Mug Snacks From The Microwave

    Microwaves are super convenient for home cooking, especially when you’re in a hurry. We’ve already busted the myths around them and uncovered the science behind how they work… now it’s time to get into some of the neat things you can do with a microwave (aside from cooking your Luvo meals, of course). For this edition […]

  • Eating For One

    We’ve all heard the jokes about single people eating takeout straight out of the container over the sink in between sobs, but eating alone doesn’t have to be depressing. Cooking a wholesome meal for one after a long day is one of the nicest things you can do for yourself; it’s a great way to […]

  • Grapefruit Five Ways

    When it’s cold and grey outside, we get to enjoy a little burst of summery sunshine in the form of the mightiest member of the citrus family, the grapefruit, which reaches its peak season in the winter months.

  • Harissa: The New Sriracha 

    Hold onto your taste buds: a hot new condiment is coming to plates near you. Harissa is a paste made from roasted red peppers and serrano and other hot chili peppers, along with flavorings such as garlic, cumin, coriander seeds, caraway and lemon juice. It’s native to North Africa, especially Algeria, Libya and Tunisia, but […]

  • The Freezer Gourmet

    Ever cringe in horror when they reveal that the chefs competing on a reality show have to throw a gourmet meal together using the most bizarre combination of ingredients? Crushed granny mints, crumbled blue cheese, a Twinkie, a daikon radish, and…. Go! Looking into your fridge or freezer trying to come up with a gourmet […]

  • Luvo frozen food serves up nutritious, low-cost meals: just ask Derek Jeter

    While the first real polar weather now grips most of the country today, the thought of all things frozen – especially food – might seem counterintuitive. And yet, popping a meal – a healthy one at that — into the microwave can be just the thing, especially following all those big, rich holiday extravaganzas and […]

  • Stone-Cold Boxes: Frozen Food Is Looking Good

    TV dinners don’t have to taste like the cardboard they’re packed in. A few companies are making frozen food that‘s actually cool. Here are four top picks: IN THE 21ST-CENTURY battle for American appetites, one clear loser has emerged: TV dinners. Sales have tumbled over the last five years, with many customers opting for higher-end fast-food like Chipotle, […]

  • Best of the Fresh Blog 2014

    As our first year in business comes to a close, we took some time at Luvo HQ to reflect on all we have accomplished. The conclusion? This year has been nothing short of amazing! New and blossoming partnerships with Delta Airlines, Yankees legend Derek Jeter and world renowned doctor Mark Hyman all helped propel our mission of getting delicious, […]

  • New Study Says Airline Food Getting Healthier

    There’s not a lot of Food Network-like creativity you can muster up in the galley of a 767, but the airlines – or, at least, their contracted vendors – are trying. But this year’s annual survey of airline food by Hunter College and City University of New York School of Public Health Prof. Charles Platkin […]

  • Confessions of a Snack-a-Holic: How I Broke My Habit

    Shape’s Nutrition Editor admits that healthy eating isn’t always easy! How she turned a snacking habit upside down. We’re a snack-happy country: A full 91 percent of Americans have a snack or two every single day, according to a recent survey from global information and measurement company, Nielsen. And we’re not always munching on fruit […]

  • How to Manage Your Food Waste

    The amount of food we waste as a society is mind-boggling. Estimates suggest that around 30–40% of all edible food is lost or thrown away. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that translates to over 130 billion pounds, or around 141 trillion calories, worth over $160 billion. That’s a lot of scraps. The good […]

  • Our Thanksgiving Healthy Eating Survival Guide

    Thanksgiving has a bad reputation for being a heavy meal, but most of the food isn’t so bad if  you make the right choices and eat in moderation. The holiday is full of ways to continue a plan of healthy eating, and we have no reason to shun or fear enjoying ourselves over the holiday. […]

  • 6 Surprisingly Tasty Frozen Meals

    In an ideal world, you’d always pack a homemade lunch with the perfect ratio of carbs to fat to protein. But when you sleep through your alarm, the dog hides your shoes, or your significant other steals the last of the turkey breast, meal prep gets tricky. Lucky for you, frozen meals have undergone a […]

  • Tips to Ripen Fruit

    With the farmer’s market just around the corner from my new pad, I decided to put more of a focus on filling my fridge with more local and seasonal fruit and vegetables. With that new habit came a bit of a learning curve that included learning how to pick the ‘right’ fruits and veggies at […]

  • 5 Yummy Ways to Eat Ricotta

    An essential element to any classic lasagna recipe, ricotta is a light and creamy Italian whey cheese that’s lower on the calorie scale than many other cheeses (compare 39 calories per ounce to cheddar’s 113). It’s not only a good choice for cheese lovers looking for a lighter option, but it’s also extremely versatile due […]

  • The Maximum Amount of Weight You Could Realistically Gain in One Day

    Cue one big collective sigh of relief. Of course you try your very best to stick to a relatively healthy diet and exercise plan. But some days, you’re bound to go overboard—after all, you’re only human. Perhaps it’s that time of the month and you just can’t stop munching; perhaps you had one too many […]

  • 7 Reasons Why Eggs Are Amazing

    It’s National Egg Day, which means it’s time for us all to take a moment to praise the all-mighty egg! Humans have been eating eggs for thousands of years in one form or another. This could be due to the fact that these little guys pack tons of nutrition, not to mention culinary versatility, within […]

  • Calories: To Count or Not to Count?

    It’s the age-old debate, right alongside which came first—the chicken or the egg? As with your diet and your denim, there’s no one-size-fits all approach. It boils down to what works for you. What I encourage, however, is to become calorie aware, and to strive to eat calories that work hard for you.

  • The Tastiest Ways to Celebrate World Vegetarian Day

    October 1st is World Vegetarian Day, and kicks off a full month of vegetarian awareness around the globe. Unlike all those other questionable food holidays that seem to come out of nowhere (apparently, my birthday falls on National Shrimp Scampi Day), this one has been going strong since 1977 and aims to bring awareness to the […]

  • Luvo Coffee Pairings

    Coffee. Oh coffee. You are the joy in my morning commute, the warmth during cold winter months and a lifesaver when I need to stay alert (like while writing this blog post). I always start my day with a medium roast Americano – black. I don’t always make time to pair my java with something […]

  • Oatmeal: Your New Best Friend

    I have to be honest: I was never really a huge fan of oatmeal. I always found it bland and boring, and the texture wasn’t doing anything for me either. That was until I realized all the wonderful health benefits of eating it AND the wonderfully delicious ways to prepare it, not to mention its

  • 5 Nutritious and Fun School Lunch Ideas

    When I was growing up, I always envied my classmates whose parents surprised them at lunchtime by dropping off fast food burgers and fries. Now that I know better, I feel bad for those kids, but it’s hard to blame parents when you don’t know where they’re coming from. Sometimes they’re just stressed out and […]

  • Artful Burrito Building

    The construction of a burrito takes a great amount of care and precision. It’s not simply a matter of throwing together some ingredients and slapping a tortilla around them. It’s much more technical than that. Artful, even. For a burrito to achieve optimal taste and performance, four important elements must be considered. The fusion of […]

  • 5-Ingredient Smoothie Recipes

    In the spirit of saving time and cash while maximizing taste, I challenged myself to whittle my usual 10+ ingredient morning smoothie recipes down to five ingredients. A wise friend pointed out that by doing this, I’ve also created recipes that are great for people who are new to the world of smoothie-ing (yes, I […]

  • The Student’s Guide to Eating Well

    Going off to college or university is an exciting time. It can bring an overwhelming mix of emotions. After all, you’ve got to figure out how you’re going to navigate campus, make good grades, make friends, and basically make it on your own. You’re probably not overly concerned with making food. In my first year […]

  • Beat it, Sugar! Try These Natural Sweeteners

    Good old granulated, white sugar has been getting a bad rap for a while now. There’s no doubt that too much of it isn’t good for your health on many levels (hello, empty calories and extra cavities!). Although there are more natural options, the truth is that your body treats all added sweeteners—even innocent-sounding ones like […]

  • 5 Awesome Avocado Recipes

    I must confess – my love for avocados was born out of two experiences: 1.) an impromptu Mexican road trip, where they became my surfing fuel, and 2.) learning that the first thing Jason Mraz (my fantasy boyfriend) bought when he made it big was an avocado farm.

  • Meet Golfer Victoria Elizabeth

    Victoria and I became fast friends when she stopped by our pop-up bistro at the Shoprite Classic in New Jersey last month. Not only is she rocking it on the LPGA tour, she’s also a passionate foodie! Read below to see what makes her smile and how she likes to fuel her game.

  • What’s the Deal with Greek Yogurt?

    Greek yogurt is everywhere these days, and it’s not just a trend – there are some pretty compelling reasons why more people are choosing Greek yogurt over other varieties.

  • Essential Tips for Beginner Runners

    Running is a popular fitness activity for many, perhaps due to the fact that you can do it virtually anywhere, and you don’t have to pay any expensive gym membership dues or buy any fancy equipment, aside from some good running shoes. Beginner runners should beware, however, because there IS a right and wrong way […]

  • 5 Cool Things To Make With Yams

    You have to admit: yams are pretty freakin’ cool. Not only are these bright orange (sometimes yellow and purple) nuggets nutritious and packed with stuff you need like potassium and Vitamin B6, but they can help you reduce blood pressure and your risk of heart disease. Plus, their slow-release complex carbohydrates and fiber fill you […]

  • Food Service

    MAKE IT EASIER TO EAT BETTER You can find Luvo in all kinds of places beyond the grocery store. Our vending program offers clients and partners a way to give people access to delicious and wholesome food choices wherever they are. No more sacrificing taste or feeling good about what you eat in the name […]

  • Most Innovative Companies 2014: Luvo

    The frozen-food aisle is full of health-boasting meals, but most are stuffed with salt and preservatives. “Why in the world isn’t high-quality food available in the grocery store?” wondered Steve Sidwell. So he made some. His nutrient-dense frozen entrées, each with no more than 500 calories or 500 milligrams of sodium (and ingredients that even a […]

  • LYFE Kitchen Might Be a Game Changer for Healthy Frozen Foods

    Think “delicious” and “quick” are mutually exclusive when it comes to healthy eating? Think again! A new company hopes to change the way Americans view ready-to-eat foods by offering nutritious, frozen meals that truly taste amazing. LYFE Kitchen, which stands for “Love Your Food Everyday,” was started after its founder won his own weight-loss battle. Stephen Sidwell, […]

  • Freeze Frame: 3 Companies That Make Healthy and Tasty Frozen Meals

    Despite being a $44 billion industry, frozen meals have endured a bit of an image problem in recent years. Surveys show that shoppers increasingly view frozen foods as highly processed and perhaps not very tasty. But that trend is changing, spurred by innovations in the natural and organic packaged frozen foods category and consumers’ desire […]

  • Are your products vegan and/or vegetarian?

    We are pleased to offer options for vegans, vegetarians and omnivores. Currently our vegan and vegetarian options include frozen entrees for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They include: Vegetarian Farmer’s Market Frittata Quinoa & Vegetable Enchiladas Kale Ricotta Ravioli Roasted Vegetable Lasagna Organic Bean & Cheese Burrito Organic Roasted Eggplant & Quinoa Burrito Vegan Steel-Cut Oatmeal […]

  • LYFE Kitchen Grocery CEO: ‟We’re on a mission to change how people think about frozen and ready-to-eat meals.”

    From non-entity to 15 retailers in 2.5 years is a rapid rise, and doing so by blending health, convenience and affordability to produce prepared foods that also taste ‘amazing’ is only the beginning, says the Founder and CEO of Lyfe Kitchen Grocery. Talking with FoodNavigator-USA at the recent Expo West show in Anaheim, Lyfe’s Steve […]