The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


10 Crazy Food Facts You Won’t Believe

Think you know all there is to know about food? Fancy yourself a ‘foodie’? Test your knowledge and see if any of these crazy food facts ring a bell:

Taking sweet potato love to a whole new level: In Japan, sweet potatoes are so popular (mostly as a street food), one company has developed an ice cream treat that not only looks like a sweet potato, but tastes like it too! The outside shell is made from a traditional sweet potato wafer cake, which is filled with sweet potato ice cream and a layer of sweet potato paste (with some chocolate thrown in for good measure).

Sneaky fruits have been lying to us all along: Bananas, tomatoes, pumpkin, watermelon and avocado are all technically classified as berries, while strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are not. If you’re fluent in the language of botanists, you can learn more about the various classifications of fruits here.

Crazy-Food-Facts-Luvo-salad Drink 8 salads a day: If you’re feeling dehydrated but don’t feel like drinking water, why not make a salad? Humans can get their hydration from other things besides liquids. Both cucumbers and iceberg lettuce are 96% water! Learn more about the water content of various veggies here.

But do farmer’s markets have Wi-Fi? If you’re not keen on coffee breath, eating an apple in the morning can be just as eye-opening as a cup of coffee.

Mmmm… everlasting bee barf: Honey, of which over 40 types exist, consists of nectar and bee vomit. It never expires, and may bring a ton of nutritional benefits, especially the raw kind, which contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for human health.

Are you a pizza purist? Don’t read this: Depending on where you eat it, pizza can come with some pretty unconventional toppings. In Costa Rica, for example, they like it with coconut, and in Brazil, green peas are a popular topping.

Crazy-Food-Facts-Luvo-cheese Black-market Brie: The most shoplifted food in the world? Cheese.

Best or worst business move? Ruth Graves Wakefield, the chef at the Toll House Inn, is credited as the culinary genius responsible for inventing the chocolate chip cookie. She sold her recipe to Nestle in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate.

I guess spoiled milk is pretty gross: Before refrigeration, people kept their milk from spoiling by putting live frogs in it.

I just thought Germans really knew their chocolate: German Chocolate Cake is not German at all, but named after Sam German, an American credited with developing dark baking chocolate.

How did you do? What’s the craziest food fact you’ve ever heard?

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