The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Drowning Out The Drunchies

Drunchies? What kind of new millennial word is that? Does it go on Fleek? Does this have to do with the elusive ‘Bae’ or the ever disappearing Felicia? Drunchies is an epidemic of sad, and desolate proportions, but we here at Luvo are coming to your rescue.… Read more »


Bacon Guide

There aren’t many foods that evoke more fiery passion than bacon. It’s one of those rare items that will make people look forward to getting out of bed in the morning, or to wait in line for brunch. Much more than just a breakfast food, it’s become an obsession, an edible icon. What makes it so great? … Read more »


Homemade Energy Gels

I’ll never forget that time I was walking along Vancouver’s beautiful sea wall and kept coming across empty energy gel packets littered all over the path. A marathon had taken place the day before and I was a) horrified at the litterbugs and b) intrigued by these gel things. What did they do? Who would want to squirt gel into their mouths while running? I had so many questions.… Read more »


Transportation Alternatives for City Slickers

How do you get around? For those of us who live in the city, it’s a daily question. Do I drive, and risk not finding parking, or do I cycle, and take on a bit of sweat. Or, do I go for public transit and trust the timing of a few tight connections. The good news is that today there are more options than even for … Read more »


Spicy Mezcal Old Fashioned

Mezcal is a distilled Mexican liqueur made from maguey (a type of agave). It packs a smooth smoky flavour and has as much punch as it’s cousin the famous tequila. … Read more »


Lil’ Raw Key Lime Pies

I suppose you could call these tarts, but I feel they’re far too sophisticated in their delivery to be labeled as such (plus tarts are like pie’s younger, annoying sister). In fact, when I eat four of these lil’ pies, versus one giant slice of pie, I don’t feel guilty, not for a second and not because they’re full of rad superfoods, but simply because they’re lady like. So go ahead and eat four, feel like a lady, or a lady-man…annnnnnyway.… Read more »


Spicing Up Your Food Life

We all have that friend that l-o-v-e-s hot sauce. You know, the one that probably has a bottle in their bag right now. Yes, they’re annoying when every restaurant order is followed by a request for … Read more »