The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


How to Eat Healthy While You Travel

We’ve all been there. You’re in a foreign city, sleep-deprived and trying to find your bearings, but your phone’s map doesn’t work because you don’t want to rack up roaming charges. It’s the absolute worst time to be low on energy because you haven’t eaten well, or haven’t eaten anything at all. The good news? With a little foresight and a few common sense moves, you can be fully charged, alert and well on your way to wherever you need to go. In honor of National Healthy Eating Day, here are a few top tips on how to stay healthy while you travel.… Read more »


Diving in with Natalie Coughlin

It’s only been three months since I first met Natalie in her hometown of Lafayette, CA and in this short time, she’s managed to break a new American Record in swimming and land the cover of ESPN’s coveted 2015 Body Issue. She was also in Toronto competing in the Pan … Read more »


Spring Training Tips for Non-Athletes

Spring is finally here! Baseball season is officially underway, and before long it will be time to hit the beach. If you’re feeling a little anxious about baring some skin, and you’re ready for a fresh start, here are six simple steps to healthy-ing up your eating habits and getting in tip top shape – no crazy diet required.… Read more »


6 Questions with Food Artist Julie Lee

Luvo-Julie-Lee As I began my daily —and bottomless— trip into the food blog newsreel a few weeks ago, artist Julie Lee’s meticulously arranged food-collages stopped me dead in my tracks. I instantly found myself getting lost in her adventures at the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market and in her own urban garden, and (like most fans) venturing into her dreamy instagram filled with the most beautiful, naturally lit patterns made-up of vibrant and seasonal vegetables, fruit and flowers.  … Read more »


Tips for a Successful Detox

So you’ve decided to dump sugar… and gluten… and all those other tasty synthetic ingredients created to give you a temporary spike in blood sugar and endorphins. Just like with any break up, you’re going to need a plan if you’re going to make it through those first few lonely days. Otherwise, you could find yourself on a crazy midnight car ride where you end… Read more »


What’s So Great about Green Tea?

Tea is making a huge comeback in our largely coffee-fueled society and the leader of the pack has been the green variety for a while now, but why? What’s so great about green tea anyway?

According to Harvard Medical School, drinking tea is good for you because of its high content of flavonoids, which are plant-derived antioxidant compounds. Green tea is the best food source of a group of these compounds, called catechins, which have been proven to be more powerful antioxidants than vitamins C and E. On top of that, studies have shown that drinking green tea can help reduce your risk of… Read more »