The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Awesome Avocado Recipes

I must confess – my love for avocados was born out of two experiences: 1.) an impromptu Mexican road trip, where they became my surfing fuel, and 2.) learning that the first thing Jason Mraz (my fantasy boyfriend) bought when he made it big was an avocado farm. … Read more »


How to Make Your Salad Exciting!

Eating more vegetables can be as simple as adding more salad to your life, but what if the idea of eating a salad bores you to tears? You’re not alone. It’s probably because you haven’t explored all the wonderful world of salad (yes, I just said that).

There’s much more to salad than mixed greens!… Read more »


Meet Golfer Victoria Elizabeth

Victoria and I became fast friends when she stopped by our pop-up bistro at the Shoprite Classic in New Jersey last month. Not only is she rocking it on the LPGA tour, she’s also a passionate foodie! Read below to see what makes her smile and how she likes to fuel her game.… Read more »


What’s the Deal with Greek Yogurt?

Greek yogurt is everywhere these days, and it’s not just a trend – there are some pretty compelling reasons why more people are choosing Greek yogurt over other varieties.… Read more »


Super Fruits: The Top 5 Good-For-You Fruits

What’s not to like about earth’s flavorful, naturally sweet, and beautiful bounty of fruits? From the classic fruit salad, to fruit smoothies and oatmeal toppers, fruit gives us a nutritious way to enjoy a little sweetness in our lives without reaching for … Read more »

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Know Your Food: Chia 101

The word ‘chia’ might bring back memories of your favorite TV infomercial about a special pet that grows green fur, but there’s a lot more to chia than that. Native to Mexico and Guatemala, chia belongs to the mint family, and its seeds have been experiencing a surge in popularity … Read more »


Rise and Dine—4 Breakfast Problems Solved

You’ve heard it before: Eat breakfast! Mom was right, and for many reasons. Breakfast gives your brain the energy it needs to focus, so you can tackle your to-do list and function at your best level. Another perk: breakfast reboots your metabolism… Read more »