The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


10 Questions with Dr. Mark Hyman

As an internationally recognized leader in the groundbreaking field of functional medicine, Dr. Hyman emphasizes a holistic approach to health and wellness through his private practice, education efforts, writing, research, and advocacy.  He’s a six-time New York Times bestselling author, Chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine, founder and Medical Director of The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA, and President Bill Clinton’s personal physician. He’s also a Luvo Ambassador and the inspiration behind our Dr. Hyman 10-Day Detox Meals.

We recently sat down with Dr. Hyman to get his thoughts on food myths, maintaining healthy eating habits and what inspires him to advocate the benefits of Functional Medicine. Here’s what he had to say:

What food myth do you find most frustrating and why?
Weight loss = calories in/calories out. The single biggest myth is that all calories are the same. Five hundred calories from a can of Coke is supposed to be the same as 500 calories of broccoli. Besides flying in the face of common sense, is not scientifically sound. Yes, in a lab, all calories are identical, but once put into your mouth, they interact with a complex web of hormones, brain chemicals, immune messengers and have profoundly different effects on your body. The quality of the calories you eat, it turns out, matters more than the quantity. Sugar calories spike insulin and drive obesity, while calories from fat or protein or non-starchy veggies don’t. We need to stop blaming lack of willpower for obesity and start using science to change the hormones that drive hunger. Real whole food, minimally processed and low in sugar turns on all the right messages in the body.

What other health and wellness practitioners or advocates have you looked up to in your career?
The big inspirations in my career have been Jeffrey Bland, the father of Functional Medicine, Dean Ornish, who pioneered research in lifestyle medicine, Sidney Baker, who is the most thoughtful doctor and healer in the 21st century, and one who has paved the way for those of use practicing Functional Medicine. And my new hero is Vani Hari, the Food Babe, who singlehandedly makes the CEO’s of major food companies shake in their boots as she turns her sights on the nasty ingredients in our food.

Finish this sentence: My favorite food indulgence is…
Dark chocolate almonds

If you could invite 10 people to a dinner party (anyone!) who would they be and why?
Michael Pollan, Kelly Brownell, Mark Bittman, Congressman Tim Ryan (Ohio), Bill Gates, Michael Moss, David Ludwig, Barack Obama, Michael Bloomberg, and the Koch brothers. I would invite this group of food movement leaders, politicians, money brokers and scientists to have a serious conversation about how we can solve our food crisis – how we grow, produce and consume food and create a World Food Council dedicated to solving our world’s health, food and environmental crises which are all linked.

What’s your favorite [healthy] food swap?
Cauliflower mashed potatoes

What’s your favorite fall recipe?
Butternut squash soup with sliced apples

Did you always know that you wanted a career in medicine? If not, what other profession might have you pursued?
I studied Asian studies and writing and wanted to be a writer. I also thought of acupuncture.

What is one simple change someone can make to their daily routine to begin working towards improved health?
Stop the four horsemen of the apocalypse – the biggest contributors to obesity, chronic disease and foods that, if we buy, we inadvertently contribute to the destruction of our farmlands, waterways, air and even contribute to climate change. Here they are:

  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Trans or hydrogenated fats
  • MSG in all forms
  • All liquid sugar calories

What advice would you give someone who says they’re simply too busy to make the right food choices all the time, i.e. busy professionals, parents of young children.
Learn how to hunt and gather in your neighbourhood or environment. We often travel in limited circles and can find pockets of real food around us. We can create an emergency food pack and bring it with us in our car or have it in our workplaces and homes so we are never without real food. And if you fall off, just get right back on track, like the GPS that reroutes you if you make wrong turn.

What do you find most gratifying about your work?
I am witness to miracles, to the healing of millions of people who discover the power of food as medicine, the power of food to delight and heal and enrich our lives. I hear stories of healing and magic every day as people simply change their diets and eat real food.

Learn more about Dr. Hyman and how you can order the customizable 10-Day Detox Meals.

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