The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Is Vegetarian Always Healthier?

To eat meat or not to eat meat? Team #paleo and team #vegan can debate this one out but the one thing that both groups—and every health professional–can agree on is that we should be eating more fruits and vegetables.… Read more »


Grab the Garbanzos: 6 Tasty Chickpea Recipes

Whenever I hit the grocery store, I always stock up on chickpeas. Also known as garbanzo beans, these cute little beige legumes are a great source of protein, fiber, potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. They’re inexpensive and super versatile in the kitchen, adding interesting texture and … Read more »


Pass the Peas, Please! 6 Delicious Recipes

One of my fondest childhood memories involves picking pea pods straight off the bush at my grandparents’ farm on the outskirts of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I just loved popping open the pods and … Read more »


Russell Wilson at 39,000 feet

I don’t think you can ever prep for the day you’re sitting beside a Superbowl champion at 39,000 feet altitude. But Russell Wilson is sporting a Hawaiian shirt with jeans, and his relaxed and friendly demeanour invites me to just sit back and enjoy the ride with the 26-year old Seattle Seahawks’ quarterback.

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Cool Things in Canada That Aren’t Igloos

Canada is cool! And not just in the temperature sense (it actually gets pretty hot in some places). Not only are Luvo headquarters located in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, but our good-for-you snacks, breakfasts and entrees (which you’ve been enjoying south of the border for a while) are now available here too! Super cool.

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Combating Post-Happy Hour Cravings

Did somebody say TGIF? Or maybe its TGITH/TGIW/TGIT- even TGIM, I’m not here to judge how you see fit to relax after a hectic day! In my opinion, most days SHOULD end with an hour of happiness! … Read more »