The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Take Yogurt From Sweet to Savory

If the thought of swapping your fruity yogurt for a savory yogurt makes you furrow your brow in befuddlement, hear me out! Savory yogurt can be a surprisingly delicious way to fuel your morning (or any time of day, really). Just think–yogurt is often the base for savory dips and dressings, so why not pick that idea up and run with it?… Read more »


How to Grow Sprouts

I never thought the day would come where I’d proclaim to the world that I love sprouts! And my love runs deep. One of my favorite breakfasts/lunches/dinners is a nice and chewy toasted Montreal-style bagel with cream cheese and a pile of sprouts on top. Sprouts are a great salad topper and add delicious crunch to sandwiches. Some sprouts taste great on their own. Have you ever tried sprouted peanuts? Do it.… Read more »


The Best Red Wines

to pair with Luvo’s latest entrées

If you saw our post pairing Luvo entrees with white wines, you’ll know you’ve got many options for taste matching with cool crisp cups. Today we’re going to complete the circle by suggesting a few red wines you might want to try with our new meals. You probably saw this post coming, because you’re smart. … Read more »