The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


7 Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Move over coconut oil… there’s a new superstar in the kitchen. While apple cider vinegar isn’t necessarily ‘new’, it has certainly gained more attention in recent years because of its many uses, and not just in the culinary sense. Aside from its role in the kitchen, apple cider vinegar (also known affectionately as ACV) can be used in cleaning, gardening, primping and even to combat various common discomforts.

Here are seven things you can do with apple cider vinegar:

  1. Use it in recipes

If you use other types of vinegar, consider switching to apple cider vinegar. Just like balsamic and wine vinegars, ACV is great for brightening up salad dressings, marinades and soups. It’s also full of nutrients like potassium, calcium and iron.


  1. Make your own all-purpose cleaner

Home cleaning products often expensive and contain harsh chemicals and some of their ingredients are not kind to the environment. Making your own gentle, all-purpose cleaner with apple cider vinegar is easy and cost-effective. But does it work? Yes, thanks to its has natural odor-absorbing and antibacterial properties. It’s non-toxic, too, so if your kids or pets get their hands on it you don’t have to worry. To make your own DIY ACV cleaner, mix one part apple cider vinegar to one part water, pour into your favourite reusable spray bottle and get scrubbing!


  1. Boost your gardening

Apple cider vinegar is a natural weed killer and fertilizer in one. This is especially great for those of us who don’t want a side of icky chemicals with our greens. Simply pour it directly onto weedy areas to keep them in check. For fertilizer, mix 10 ounces of ACV with 10 gallons of water and cover your garden plot.


  1. Fight flakes

 Are you constantly brushing your shoulders off and not in the way Jay-Z had intended? If dandruff has been getting you down, an apple cider vinegar rinse can help. Dandruff can occur when the delicate pH balance of your scalp becomes compromised, and ACV can get it back on track while soothing the itchiness. Just mix a tablespoon of it into a glass of water and rinse through your hair. You can leave it on and let it sit for an hour if your flakes are particularly bad.


  1. Brighten your smile

Dentists recommend using apple cider vinegar as an inexpensive, natural smile brightener. While it may not be quite as effective as those expensive whitening treatments, it can put a little twinkle in your teeth and help you maintain a healthy smile. Pour a teaspoon of ACV into a cup of water and add a quick gargle to your morning routine.


  1. Freshen your breath

While we’re on the topic of magnificent mouths, ACV might not seem like a breath freshening product, but its natural powers include fighting the bacteria that can cause bad breath. It’s also a lot less harsh than some of those super strong mouth washes that can feel like they’re burning your tongue off. Best of all, if you plan to make #5 part of your morning routine, this one is already covered.


  1. Keep pets flea-free

Apple cider vinegar isn’t just great for us humans… it’s also beneficial for our furry friends because it’s a natural flea-deterrent. Simply spray or rinse your pet’s fur with it (don’t worry–the vinegar smell won’t linger). You can also attack the fleas from the inside out by adding a tablespoon of ACV to your pet’s water dish.


Apple cider vinegar has even more great household uses. Check out Young and Raw’s 35 Awesome Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for more. Do you have any favorites? Share them in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc. 

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