The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Bite-Sized Bacon Appetizers

There’s an old proverb that goes something like he who can’t get bacon, must be content with cabbage. Not to take anything away from cabbage. We’re big fans (brussels sprouts too). But let’s face it, a little lean proscuitto or some aged pancetta can really liven up a dish.

In celebration of International Bacon Day today, we thought it might be fun to survey some of the folks at Luvo to see what their favorite bacon-infused appetizers might be. Here’s what they had to say…

Bacon-wrapped asparagus  is one my mom always used to make at parties. She made them look really pretty by spiralling the bacon. I like them because they are “healthy” with a little bit of green in there. Bacon-wrapped jalapeños – little spicy piggies. Also, mini bacon and asparagus quiches. That’s a nice and easy one and people love mini, bite-sized things. — Gillian

Two tasty options would be prosciutto-wrapped asparagus or bacon with figs and goat cheese. — Derek

Dates stuffed with almonds and wrapped in bacon – baked. Or, have it raw and switch out the bacon for prosciutto. — Peter

I prefer my bacon straight up and crispy. — Judy

For me, my prosciutto-wrapped pears are always the first to go when I throw a party. And they’re super easy to make. Simply slice your pears into wedges, wrap each piece in lean prosciutto and bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. The result is a juicy, bacon-infused bite of bliss, but wait a few minutes for them to cool – they’re steaming hot right out of the oven.

What’s your favorite way to integrate bacon into your appetizer repertoire? Will you be celebrating International Bacon day tomorrow?

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