The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Beeting Around The Bush: How to Make Beet Ketchup

We all know ketchup is a requirement with summertime food. It’s impossible to imagine favorites like fresh ground burgers and crispy fries without ketchup—even if you’re opting for a turkey patty and sweet potato version. But regular ol’ ketchup is often loaded with high-fructose corn syrup and it’s a little (yawn) boring. Instead, try making your own beet ketchup!

Beets are great for boosting your immune system and are a good source of folate, dietary fiber, vitamin C and B6. But beet ketchup is not only a healthier option, it also looks pretty cool. Trust us that purple color is a real crowd pleaser for any beach picnic, backyard BBQ or patio dinner party.

So go ahead and beet around the bush! Make your very own beet ketchup. Here’s how:

Picking the Beets

You’ll want to start with about 3 to 4 beets. The smaller beets are a little sweeter and the bigger beets tend to have more of an earthier taste. Grab a bunch at your local farmer’s market or grocery store.

Prepping the Beets

You’ll have to cook the beets and strip them of their skins. We like roasting the beets, because it helps bring out the sweetness.

Wrap your beets in foil packets and cook at 400 °F for about an hour or until tender.

Let them cool a little. At this point, the skin should come off easily. Use some paper towel or be sure to wear plastic gloves (they stain easily!). Then chop the beets into cubes.

Cooking The Beets

Pop the chopped beets into a pot to cook. We like the Saveur’s additions of apple cider vinegar (1 cup), brown sugar (1/2 cup) and onion (1/4 cup diced), so mix in these ingredients as well. Use high heat to bring to a boil and then lower to a medium-high temperature and cook for about 20 minutes.

Blending the Beets

Transfer to a food processor and add in your seasonings. A pinch of all spice and cloves and a teaspoon of salt should do the trick. If you like it spicy, add a tiny bit of chilli powder or paprika. Then puree it all together. Do a little taste test and add in small amounts of pepper until it’s just right.

Serving the Beet Ketchup

Serve it up right away or try making it a day or so in advance to really let the flavors come together.

The beet ketchup can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for about 3 weeks, so don’t be afraid to make a little extra.

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