The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Luvo Hacks: Breakfast Edition

Do you think healthy eating takes too much time? Sleep in a little longer with these quick and healthy breakfast hacks using your favorite Luvo day-starters.

Luvo’s Steel-Cut Oatmeal + Baked Egg + Sriracha

Luvo’s Steel-Cut Oatmeal + Baked Egg + Sriracha #Luvo #Breakfast

HACK: If you don’t like it spicy, add a dollop of peanut butter, jam, some honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a kick.

Luvo’s Flaxseed Flatbreads + Egg + Arugula

Luvo’s Flaxseed Flatbreads + Egg + Arugula #Luvo #Breakfast

HACK: Heat oven to 425 degrees, on a parchment-lined baking sheet, brush flatbread with 1 tbsp. of oil. Toss arugula with some chopped onion (optional), a little oil and lemon juice; season with salt and pepper. Mound mixture on flatbread and bake for 5 minutes. Crack an egg or two over arugula, season with salt and pepper; bake until eggs are set (6-7 minutes).

Farmer’s Market Frittata + Tortillas + Salsa

Farmer’s Market Frittata + Tortillas + Salsa #Luvo #Breakfast

HACK: Turn frittata into breakfast tacos – add tortillas, put the frittata in and top with a bit of mash and extra salsa.

Oat Bran Ricotta Pancakes + Chia + Hemp Seeds

Oat Bran Ricotta Pancakes + Chia + Hemp Seeds #Luvo #Breakfast

HACK: Grab the existing apples; puree them with chia and hemps seeds, and pour over pancake as a super charged applesauce.

Share your favorite hacks with us here or on Twitter @Luvoinc

5 thoughts on “Luvo Hacks: Breakfast Edition”

  1. Elizabeth Bidgood says:

    I am in Love!

  2. pamela roof says:

    are these products gluten free

    1. Oli Maughan says:

      Hi Pamela, Thanks for reaching out, we actually have a few options like our Steel Cut Oatmeal and our Chicken Chile Verde that don’t contain gluten-bearing ingredients. Unfortunately since they are created alongside our gluten-bearing foods we cannot legally label them as ‘gluten-free’ as there could be traces throughout. That being said we are working on separating the two, in fact we just partnered with Dr. Mark Hyman for his 10-Day Detox and were able to create a selection of gluten-free meals ( Stay tuned for more options! Thank you for your support and for being a fan. -Oli

  3. Pat says:

    When I looked through all of your product information, I noticed that not even one of your items are gluten free. Why is that? Those of us who cannot eat gluten would love to have quick, healthy meals, too, and many of your items look delicious. I just wish I could eat them without doing serious damage to my gut. Do you ever plan to make healthy, delicious meals for the celiac crowd?

    1. Oli Maughan says:

      Hi Pat, Thanks for reaching out, we actually have a few options like our Steel Cut Oatmeal and our Chicken Chile Verde that don’t contain gluten-bearing ingredients. Unfortunately since they are created alongside our gluten-bearing foods we cannot legally label them as ‘gluten-free’ as there could be traces throughout. That being said we are working on separating the two, in fact we just partnered with Dr. Mark Hyman for his 10-Day Detox and were able to create a selection of gluten-free meals ( Stay tuned for more options! Thank you for your support and for being a fan. -Oli

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