The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Rise and Dine—4 Breakfast Problems Solved

You’ve heard it before: Eat breakfast! Mom was right, and for many reasons. Breakfast gives your brain the energy it needs to focus, so you can tackle your to-do list and function at your best level. Another perk: breakfast reboots your metabolism after a night of hibernation, making it easier for you to maintain your weight. And choosing a healthy breakfast will also go a long way toward helping you get the nutrients you need, like fiber and calcium.

Still, the latest estimates suggest that many of us aren’t eating this morning meal. Maybe you overslept, or don’t have time to fuss around in the kitchen. Thankfully, we’ve solved some of your most common breakfast dilemmas.


Not hungry in the morning

This is a common complaint, and you might think that skipping breakfast will save you calories over the course of a day. Not so! Some studies suggest that skipping this important eating occasion leads you to select less healthy food choices later on, thus backfiring on that calorie-saving plan you’re after. If you truly aren’t hungry first-thing, try eating something within a couple of hours of waking. A handful of almonds, a piece of reduced-fat string cheese, or some whole grain crackers are all things that might wake up your tummy in the morning. Compliment your light bite with a piece of fruit, which can be eaten a bit later in the morning if you like.


No time to cook

Time is always an issue, and when you don’t have enough of it, it’s easy to let cooking a protein-packed meal fall down the list of priorities. Lucky for you, Luvo meals are designed to save time in the kitchen. From prep to clean up, all you need is 5 to 6 minutes, plus the time it takes to eat. Keep your freezer stocked with Luvo’s breakfast entrees and pop one in the microwave while your coffee is brewing. You’ll have a hot meal before you leave the house, or, if you don’t have time to sit and eat, you can bring the box to the office and heat and eat there.


No time to eat

If cooking or preparing a meal weren’t troubling enough, sometimes it seems impossible to find the time to savor even a bowl of oatmeal. If this sounds familiar, consider grab and go options. My favorites: A kale and mango smoothie, which takes mere minutes to toss in a blender, whirl into a shake, and pour into a travel mug, or a banana and a whole grain English muffin spread with almond butter. Voila! Breakfast on the run (or at little league or in the office or on the bus…)

Smoothie – Blend together 1 c. kale (or baby spinach), 1 c. frozen mango, 3/4 c. nonfat plain Greek yogurt, and ½ c. plain unsweetened almond milk.


Don’t like typical breakfast foods 

You’re not alone. Fortunately, there are no rules about what you put in your body in the morning—other than that you aim to nourish your body with something healthy. While here in the U.S., we often start the day with a bowl of cereal, eggs, or a pastry, elsewhere in the world you might find deli meats and cheeses, rice and fish, or vegetables and grains served at breakfast. Set aside any customary beliefs and find a morning meal that you can enjoy. That could mean digging into last night’s leftovers—but make sure to include a portion of the veggies along with your fill-in-the-blank protein pick.

One thought on “Rise and Dine—4 Breakfast Problems Solved”

  1. Gina says:

    Hi, I learned about Lugo while watching Celebrity Apprentice this week. I am diabetic, though I don’t think I am. My cholesterol is a little high too. I weigh 194 and am 59. I have 8 months before the big 60 and I want to look my best. We don’t buy junk food nor sweets. I’m on 5 medications daily and am desperate to get this weight off of me. How well do these foods taste and do they really work? Thank you for your time Sam. Gina

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