The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Fun, Free Things to do with Mom

Moms are our biggest cheerleaders. They’ll tell us we’re the most beautiful, talented, special people in the world, even when we’re ‘funemployed’ with a serious case of bedhead and spinach in our teeth. At least, that’s my mom. She’s the best, and she never wants fancy gifts from my brother and I… in fact, the most cherished gifts are the ones we make ourselves, or the ones that involve spending some quality time with her.… Read more »


Gourmet Popsicle Recipes

This idea came to me after another unfortunate ‘I-left-the-beer-in-the freezer-too-long’ incident a couple weekends ago. You know what I’m talking about… you open the freezer door and yell a few expletives as an ice tear rolls down a frozen solid bottle of beer (and probably down your cheek, too). You’re left looking around frantically for that mediocre bottle of wine you were gifted from that neighbour you hear sneeze through the wall at 4 o’clock in the morning… every morning.

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Oatmeal 7 Ways

Super Healthy Oatmeal-Filled Recipes for National Oatmeal Cookie Day

Oats! You didn’t know it was National Oatmeal Cookie Day? Well since we’re on the topic, did you know oatmeal is one of the worlds’ healthiest foods? It’s “heart-friendly” (aka proven to lower cholesterol levels with its high-fibre content), and provides unique antioxidants that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by removing unhealthy … Read more »


The Full Irish Breakfast

As we continue to celebrate all things delicious at this time of year, we turn our attention to another Irish treasure: the traditional Full Irish Breakfast. Legend has it that this hearty breakfast was the Irish farmer’s favorite way to start the day and fuel up for long hours of strenuous farm work… and hearty it was.… Read more »


Kickstart Your Resolutions

So you made a few New Year’s resolutions. Congrats! Way to go. One of them probably has something to do with exercise, another might be reading more European literature from the early 20th Century. But one of the most common—and rewarding—resolutions you likely made has to do with eating healthy food that also tastes great. So why wait for the new year to start? Let’s get going on your resolutions right away with a few recipes for amazing party appetizers that taste great and are good for you too.

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How to Make the Best Hot Chocolate Ever

Wrapping your hands around a mug of creamy hot chocolate is the perfect conclusion to pretty much any winter activity. Whether you’re recovering from a day of making snow angels, falling on your butt on the skating rink one too many times, or wrapping gifts shaped like they were run over by Santa’s sleigh, a hot cup of cocoa takes all the pain away.… Read more »


Hot and Healthy Winter Sippers

The winter season wouldn’t be complete without the rich scent of mulling spices filling the air. One of my favorite things about this time of year is all the delicious hot beverages served at various gatherings. Mulled wine at winter markets, hot cider on the stove at mom’s house, hot cocoa, hot buttered rum… hot dang! … Read more »