The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Radical Food Trends of the ‘90s

I don’t know about you, but when I think about the ‘90s, I can’t help but reminisce about getting home from school and popping some pizza bagels in the microwave, cracking open a bottle of Koala Springs, and turning on my favorite talk show: Ricki Lake. I couldn’t wait to find out who was going to get an awesome makeover and go from ‘geek to chic’ or what family drama would unfold that day.

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Coconut 101

Did you know that the coconut’s name comes from the Spanish word ‘coco’ which means ‘head’ or ‘skull’? That’s because coconuts have three indentations in them that make them look like faces. Neat! Another thing I learned today: coconuts are not nuts at all, but a type of fruit known as a drupe. Coconuts are part of the palm family, and grow well in tropical climates, which is likely why you’ve seen them featured in a lot of tropical recipes (mmmm piña coladas!).… Read more »


Millet 101

Millet is a nutritious, gluten-free, nutty-tasting grain that’s popular all over the world, but it’s just starting to pick up steam here as more people are exploring the diverse world of healthy grains. It’s rich in dietary fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins. Like many other grains, it can be served on its own as a side dish, used in your own cereal blend, mixed with vegetables and dressing as a salad, … Read more »


Instagram Cage Match: Latte Art vs. Bliss Bowls

Instagram is a fascinating place where you can get sucked into a black hole that started with an innocent ‘like’ on a friend’s breakfast photo and spiraled out of control and now you’re creeping your ex’s sister’s new husband’s BFF’s magnificent beard game and wondering who the heck this chick named … Read more »


Activated Charcoal is a Thing?

It’s summer! Time to fire up the barbecue to cook up some delicious meats, vegetables, or veggie burgers over a glowing charcoal fire. But why limit the charcoal to the barbecue? If you’re hip to the latest health trends, you’ll know that charcoal, or, more specifically, activated charcoal, is something people are using more and more in a variety of ways for its supposed health benefits.… Read more »


What the Heck is Akvavit?

Many countries and regions have a special spirit that comes to reflect their heritage, culture and tastes. Greece has ouzo, Central and Eastern Europe have slivovitz, Newfoundland has screech, France has cognac, Armagnac and calvados, and Scandinavia has akvavit.… Read more »


The Great Nut Debate: Raw versus Roasted

Ah, nuts: the go-to snack of the health food realm- a dieter’s saving grace and grazers’ often demise. The high protein and good fats in nuts have earned them the honor of “nutritional heroes.” They’re portable, generally adored and marketed as a fast, energy packed bridge between meals. Pretty much anywhere you go these days you’ll find them, planes, gas stations and of course- the local watering hole. Nutritional media and dieticians alike preach the importance of a handful of nuts a day for a well balanced diet.… Read more »