The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Know Your Food: Flaxseed 101

In a story about Luvo for Fast Company, Jane Black gave one of the ingredients of our flatbreads foodie cred by saying: “Flaxseed is the Olivia Wilde of the ingredient world–smart, sexy and not overused.” We think that’s pretty bang-on. What’s the story behind this particular ingredient? We decided to break it down for you:… Read more »


Winter Squash Wonderland

With their unique shapes and spotty colors, winter squash are just as eye-catching in holiday centerpieces as they are on your plate. Contrary to what you might think, winter squash is not grown in the wintertime, but in the summer, with harvesting usually done in September and October. They get their name thanks to their thicker rinds, which allow them to be stored for use in the colder months.… Read more »


Know Your Food: Pomegranates 101

Many of the most wonderful foods in this world require the most work to enjoy their deliciousness. Take pomegranates for example. People are always excited to share the secrets of how they magically extract the seeds from inside this pithy fruit without making a huge mess or sacrificing any of them to the kitchen floor gods.

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What’s in Season? Artichokes!

Did you know that the edible part of the artichoke is actually the bud of the plant’s flower? Originating in the Mediterranean region, the artichoke is a variety of a species of thistle. That might not sound too appetizing but don’t let that little fact rob you of the joy of eating its tender heart, inner stem and petals. … Read more »


Shallots: the Untold Story

Home cooking has undergone a paradigm shift in the past twenty-five years. An industry of TV shows, books and flavor gurus has arisen like an airy soufflé, dedicated to helping the home cook create restaurant-quality feasts from the comfort of his or her galley kitchen. One of the outcomes is a better understanding of the techniques, tools and ingredients professional chefs use to make food taste great. But questions linger about certain mysterious ingredients, not least of which is “What the heck is a shallot?”… Read more »


Why All the Fuss for Leafy Greens?

We’ve all been there: It’s a weekday evening, the sky is dim, the wind is howling, and you don’t feel like pulling on your pants and hoofing it to the grocery store to supplement the meager meal options in your fridge. Hold on! Have you checked your lettuce crisper? There’s a good chance you’ve got a complete, wholesome and tasty meal of leafy greens waiting for you. There are a million good reasons—and easy ways—to get those greens out of the drawer and into your body.

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10 Crazy Food Facts You Won’t Believe

Think you know all there is to know about food? Fancy yourself a ‘foodie’? Test your knowledge and see if any of these crazy food facts ring a bell:

Taking sweet potato love to a whole new level: In Japan, sweet potatoes are so popular (mostly as a street food), one company has developed an ice cream treat that not only looks like a sweet potato, but tastes like it too! The outside shell is … Read more »