The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Instagram Cage Match: Latte Art vs. Bliss Bowls

Instagram is a fascinating place where you can get sucked into a black hole that started with an innocent ‘like’ on a friend’s breakfast photo and spiraled out of control and now you’re creeping your ex’s sister’s new husband’s BFF’s magnificent beard game and wondering who the heck this chick named … Read more »


Healthy Snack Roundup

Our favorite Super Bowl snack recipes

The only thing we loved more than watching the game this past Sunday was seeing all the healthier versions of traditional Super Bowl snacks popping up on Instagram. From perfectly plated veggies and dip to Buffalo-spiced popcorn, we’ve rounded up our favorites and added the play-by-play instructions so you can enjoy these anytime you like, not just during sporting events! … Read more »


Instagram Accounts You Need To Follow: Food Edition

The only thing I love more than eating beautiful food is looking at pictures of it! From mouthwatering dishes to beautifully arranged ingredients, fill your Instagram feed with delicious imagery and inspiration courtesy of this hand-picked list of food lovers and photographers:… Read more »