The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Eat This, Do That

Office Edition

A couple times a week I fall into the “I’m too busy/tired/lazy to cook” zone. I find myself stranded with my debit card, knees-deep in the whole “French fries count as vegetables and anything that says ‘organic’ is good for me” internal reasoning that often comes along with ordering take-out food. Even though I eat really well 75% of the time, the other 25% usually consists of unconscious eating decisions that not only have an affect on my daily energy, but also come with those unwanted, invisible ‘extras’ like fat, preservatives, mystery ingredients, and, eventually, an extra notch on my belt buckle.… Read more »


Sugar Recovery Plan

I’m all about moderation but there are some occasions where my sugar intake is bound to get out of control. Exceptionally rich restaurant desserts, chocolate-filled holidays like Easter and Halloween, and the all-too-familiar stress-induced impulse snacks are the usual culprits. I didn’t think this was a real issue until I realized that what I was putting in my body had the power to take me from fun-… Read more »


Why Should We Care About Sodium?

Ah, headlines! As a dietitian and former nutrition director for Good Housekeeping, I sometimes have to gasp at those attention-grabbing food and nutrition-focused titles. Here are a few on salt that caught my eye:… Read more »


Weird Root Vegetables

(that are actually delicious)

They come out of the ground covered in dirt. Usually hard, lumpy knobs that appear misshapen and odd, or, more frequently, hideous and scary. Yes, of course we’re talking about root vegetables, the tasty trolls of the edible plant world. They may not look like much, but what they lack in aesthetics, they make up for in vitamins, minerals and flavor deliciousness.… Read more »


The New Nordic Diet Uncovered

Almost every year there’s a new “it” diet that everyone seems to be doing that, allegedly, sheds all of the weight you gained over the holidays (and then some) and leaves you so vibrant and energized your co-workers will wonder if you’ve replaced all the blood in your body with coffee. Some of these diets are quite aggressive; cue the 5:2 British diet that makes you starve for 2 days (oh hell naw!). Some others are all about eating like a caveman (Paleo, duh).… Read more »


5 Ways to Convert Veggie Haters

Some people think vegetables are boring. Some even go as far as saying they hate them. Saying you hate vegetables is kind of like saying you hate a blank canvas. Sure, a lot of veggies have distinctive and delicious flavors on their own, but it really comes down to how you prepare them.… Read more »


Know Your Food: Flaxseed 101

In a story about Luvo for Fast Company, Jane Black gave one of the ingredients of our flatbreads foodie cred by saying: “Flaxseed is the Olivia Wilde of the ingredient world–smart, sexy and not overused.” We think that’s pretty bang-on. What’s the story behind this particular ingredient? We decided to break it down for you:… Read more »