The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Top 5 Most Nutritious Beans

Does that old song from your childhood about beans and their ‘musical’ powers keep you from buying them when you visit the grocery store? Don’t let a little hot air scare you away… beans are incredibly nutritious and can be prepared in numerous delicious recipes. Where would the almighty burrito be without the bean? Hummus would be non-existent. Chili would be lackluster. The list goes on…
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What’s So Great About Whole Grains?

While many of us were raised on the classic white bread, rice and pasta, whole grains are starting to take over. That’s because we’ve discovered that eating products made with whole grains is more beneficial for your health than their lighter cousins. But why?… Read more »


7 Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Did you know the average child accumulates up to 7,000 calories worth of treats on Halloween night? Do your kid a favor in more ways than one by getting rid of any and all candy corn as soon as it comes in the door. My personal bias against candy corn aside, there are many ways you can ensure a healthy and happy Halloween for everyone. And no, you don’t have to be that lame house on the block that gives out dental hygiene accessories while putting a huge damper on a holiday many kids anticipate all year.… Read more »


Nutritious Food Swaps: Thanksgiving

I just love Thanksgiving! It’s a wonderful time to reconnect with friends and family who I don’t see often, and while I practice gratitude routinely, my practice really revs up on this day. And then there’s the food. The aromas, the visual feast, the indulgences—they’re all part of the tradition.… Read more »


Calories: To Count or Not to Count?

It’s the age-old debate, right alongside which came first—the chicken or the egg? As with your diet and your denim, there’s no one-size-fits all approach. It boils down to what works for you. What I encourage, however, is to become calorie aware, and to strive to eat calories that work hard for you.… Read more »