The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Adult Slumber Party Breakfast

Whether you’re crashing on the couch after a friend’s house party or you’re just straight up throwing a slumber party with your pals (and you’ve long since graduated from elementary school), enjoying breakfast together the next day while reliving the previous night’s adventures is always lots of fun. Sure, going out for brunch and mimosas is also a good time, but the mark-up on breakfast foods can be borderline exorbitant.… Read more »


Insect-infused Dishes

I recently watched a documentary that featured young children from Venezuela’s Piaroa tribe scouring the jungle for giant tarantulas, which they subsequently skewered, roasted over an open fire, and ate with delight. While I found this equal parts shocking and fascinating, I realized that bugs, insects and creepy crawlies are a significant … Read more »


Not Just Dessert: 6 Savory Pies to Try Now

Some people are born with a sweet tooth, while others are into the savory scene. I’m more of the latter, so when I was tasked with researching the world of savory pies, I was all over it.

Savory pies are great for many reasons. They’re relatively easy to make. After a little bit of elbow grease, you’ve got a complete dinner (or brunch or lunch) in a pie plate. Just throw a pile of greens on the side and you’re set! Another great thing about savory pies is you can put… Read more »


Gourmet Popsicle Recipes

This idea came to me after another unfortunate ‘I-left-the-beer-in-the freezer-too-long’ incident a couple weekends ago. You know what I’m talking about… you open the freezer door and yell a few expletives as an ice tear rolls down a frozen solid bottle of beer (and probably down your cheek, too). You’re left looking around frantically for that mediocre bottle of wine you were gifted from that neighbour you hear sneeze through the wall at 4 o’clock in the morning… every morning.

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Building a Balanced Bowl

The obsession with colorful, veggie-filled bowls is in full swing on all of my social media feeds, and unlike the 2014 trend of ‘everything you want to eat is in a mason jar now’, this trend is solely responsible for getting me back into the kitchen cooking more than just my daily Luvo meal.

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Oatmeal 7 Ways

Super Healthy Oatmeal-Filled Recipes for National Oatmeal Cookie Day

Oats! You didn’t know it was National Oatmeal Cookie Day? Well since we’re on the topic, did you know oatmeal is one of the worlds’ healthiest foods? It’s “heart-friendly” (aka proven to lower cholesterol levels with its high-fibre content), and provides unique antioxidants that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by removing unhealthy … Read more »


4 Snacks for Summer

It was the ‘official day’ of our favorite knotted snack this past weekend, which means we had an ‘official excuse’ to go to the store and buy armfuls of our favorite bags of pretzels. Of course, there are tons of other delightful healthy snacks that you can have alongside or outside of pretzels, and here are four of our favorites for summer:… Read more »