The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Swipe Right on These Veggies

When you’re cruising through the produce section or farmer’s market, it can be easy to stick to your old habits and choose the same old veggies every time. There’s nothing wrong with sticking with what you know, but trying new things can be fun. … Read more »

Celebrate Zucchini

Celebrate Zucchini

...and Other Sneaky Fruits and Veggies to Put in Your Bread

It was National Zucchini Bread Day this past week! The zucchini (also known as a summer squash) is one of the most popular vegetables worldwide, and also one of the most low-calorie with only 17 calories per 100g!

A fantastic source of dietary fibre and antioxidants, these crunchy delights are even proven to protect against colon cancers[1]. In fact, Luvo named the squash one of their Top 5 Healthiest Veggies!

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Gettin’ Cheesy With It

3 Grilled cheese sandwiches you can't live without

I’m not really sure who started the whole ‘National ____ Months’ for food but you won’t hear me complaining about this one! Grilled cheese sandwiches are the classic American comfort food and are almost always attached to a nostalgic story about how they single handedly cured some form of teenage heartbreak. Just like many beloved foods, there’s a grilled cheese sandwich for every mood. Celebrate with one of three delicious recipes we came up with:… Read more »


Secrets to Your Best Cornbread Ever

There’s something about the texture of cornbread that I just love, and my love goes way back. When I was little, my mom used to take me to this place in the mall called Mmmmarvellous Mmmmuffins and I always opted for the cornmeal muffin. The cornmeal adds a unique chewiness that makes muffins and breads taste extra special.… Read more »


Luvo Hacks: Flatbreads

Now that we’ve plumped up your pilaf, packed more protein into your breakfast and spiced-up your favorite entrées, it’s time to add some flare to your flatbreads. Impress your friends and family with these tasty takes on your favorite Luvo FBs:… Read more »


The Power of Peanut Butter

Underwhelmingly described by Wikipedia as a ‘food paste’, peanut butter is so much more than that. A top performer in savory and sweet recipes, peanut butter has a wide array of culinary applications beyond the classic PB&J sandwich, and it delivers some essential nutrition as well. … Read more »


Are Pickled Foods Nutritious?

Pickled foods are having a moment. You know they’re part of the zeitgeist when they get lampooned by the TV show Portlandia, as they did a few seasons ago. It seems almost any edible item is capable of being pickled these days—and why not? Pickles add a pleasant pop of flavor to any plate. But as pickling remains a popular approach, the facts about their nutritional profile is not well understood.… Read more »