The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Beat the Blues with 10 Blueberry Recipes!

National Blueberry Pie Day is right around the corner – you know what that means. Time to get your pie-baking materials out, and your hands dirty. Blueberries are the among the worlds’ favorite fruits (second only to strawberries)[1]. They’re a classic breakfast garnish, summertime delight, popular smoothie choice, and also have a handful of amazing health benefits. In fact, they’re … Read more »


Balls of Deliciousness

In There’s Something About Mary, Ben Stiller’s lovable character laments about his longing for the ability to enjoy a wider variety of meats on sticks. Forget the sticks… I would argue that foods in ball form are also deliciously convenient and don’t get the attention they deserve. Not only are balls great for on-the-go snacking just like the sticks, but they can also come in a variety of sweet or savory flavor combinations while packing a nutritious punch.… Read more »


Top 7 Recipes you HAVE to put bananas in!

If you think Bananas are just for monkeys, think again! National Banana Day is right around the corner and we are going to celebrate by honoring all the delicious banana-related recipes out there. Never again will you think of bananas as humble, plain, and ordinary – we guarantee you’ll be… Read more »


Sobering Spring Break Snacks

Depending on how you spent your spring break, your body might be craving some serious hangover cures. If you’ve ever had a hangover, you’re likely familiar with the unrelenting urge to fill your gullet with every type of fried food in sight–even better if that fried food is smothered in something creamy and fatty like cheese or hollandaise or oozing egg yolks.… Read more »


7 DIY Veggie Chips (that aren’t Kale)

…and that you don’t need a dehydrator for

Summer is around the corner and I’m in full blown culotte-prep mode (bikini is a stretch). Which means upping my veggie intake while simultaneously addressing a little potato addiction I developed over the winter time. Here are a few of my favorite tasty and easy recipes to get you snacking smarter:… Read more »


5 Ways to Boost Your Baking

I like baking because it’s essentially chemistry; combining specific ingredients in measured amounts produces a specific result. Unless you’re a seasoned pro, there’s not a lot of room for improvisation, and because of that, there’s not much room for error either.

Baking your own breads, biscuits and cookies can also be a lot better for you health-wise than purchasing packaged goods. While healthy baked goods can be found in grocery stores and bakeries, making your own helps you control what you’re eating and it can also be more… Read more »


Weird Root Vegetables

(that are actually delicious)

They come out of the ground covered in dirt. Usually hard, lumpy knobs that appear misshapen and odd, or, more frequently, hideous and scary. Yes, of course we’re talking about root vegetables, the tasty trolls of the edible plant world. They may not look like much, but what they lack in aesthetics, they make up for in vitamins, minerals and flavor deliciousness.… Read more »