The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Best of the Fresh Blog 2014

As our first year in business comes to a close, we took some time at Luvo HQ to reflect on all we have accomplished. The conclusion? This year has been nothing short of amazing! New and blossoming partnerships with Delta Airlines, Yankees legend Derek Jeter and world renowned doctor Mark Hyman all helped propel our mission of getting delicious, healthy food into the hands (and stomachs) of as many Americans as possible. As you know, another part of our philosophy here at Luvo is to be a source of information and inspiration for you. Here are our picks of some of the most celebrated and shared Luvo blog posts of 2014:… Read more »


Snacks For Dinner

While perusing my Instagram feed like I tend to do at a borderline obsessive rate, I came across a mouthwatering spread of snacks a good friend of mine had prepared for dinner. Not one to feel particularly confident in her culinary skills or ability to collect appropriate kitchen supplies (she has a plate specifically designed for serving deviled eggs, but no garlic press), my friend had proven that she could easily be in the running for America’s Next Top Finger Foods Chef (reality show pending). Yes, her creation may have even been worthy of the often misused … Read more »


5 Unusually Delicious Thanksgiving Recipes

There’s something to be said for the nostalgia and comfort that comes along with classic Thanksgiving dishes. Roasted turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts… the quintessential menu that wouldn’t be complete if it wasn’t swimming in gravy and a few dollops of cranberry sauce. Top it all off with a big slice of pumpkin pie and you’re ready for your food coma.… Read more »


DIY Teas

Tea is something we take for granted. It seems complicated, those mysterious pieces of dried leaves or branches or spices or whatever they are. It must have taken hours of labour to grow and harvest the plants, dry them out, blend the flavors and box them up with soothing packaging copy and labeling. That’s true, but if you’ve got an open mind and a bit of creativity, making your own tasty tea at home is simple and satisfying.

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Pesto Power!

Originating in northern Italy and first mentioned in a cookbook written in 1863, pesto is a sauce traditionally made from a blend of crushed garlic, fresh basil, pine nuts, olive oil and Parmesan cheese. The name comes from the Italian word pestare which means “to crush”, and refers to the pesto preparation method which involved crushing the ingredients together in a mortar and pestle. Today, you can buy pesto in pre-made form at the grocery store, or you can make it… Read more »


Salads with Grains

Not every salad has to consist of a gleaming mass of green vegetables. The word “salad” simply means a collection of small pieces of food, usually complemented by a sauce. Many cultures have long embraced this broad definition, with traditional salads that include meats, cheeses (we’re looking at you, France), nuts, fruit — heck, even Jell-O. At the moment, one of our favorite ways to build a healthy salad is with a member of the grains family.
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5 Yummy Ways to Eat Ricotta

An essential element to any classic lasagna recipe, ricotta is a light and creamy Italian whey cheese that’s lower on the calorie scale than many other cheeses (compare 39 calories per ounce to cheddar’s 113). It’s not only a good choice for cheese lovers looking for a lighter option, but it’s also extremely versatile due to its mild flavor; ricotta can be incorporated into both sweet and savory recipes with great success.
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