The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The Greatest Pumpkin Smoothie of All Time

My mother told me that my addiction to pumpkin started very early. Apparently, there’s photographic evidence of a much younger, blonder and less-clothed me eating pumpkin pie at various family gatherings, on a bale of hay, and even at my own birthday (my birthday treat of choice has since been replaced with a dairy-free Coconut Bliss ice cream log–a girl’s gotta live).… Read more »


Figs Five Ways

You may not know this, but Luvo headquarters is tucked away in Richmond, BC, Canada (a suburb of Vancouver) surrounded by lots of family-run farms and local markets. In this corner of the world, we’re known for growing blueberries and cranberries, which thrive in the peaty soil here.

Because of the moisture in our soil – as Richmond sits slightly below sea level – various fruits grow wild around the area. Over the summer, the Luvo team discovered an apple tree that is now beautifully ripe to pick. We also found rose hips and enough blackberries to bake about one hundred pies (no exaggeration). But the best find of all has been the figs.

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Oatmeal: Your New Best Friend

I have to be honest: I was never really a huge fan of oatmeal. I always found it bland and boring, and the texture wasn’t doing anything for me either. That was until I realized all the wonderful health benefits of eating it AND the wonderfully delicious ways to prepare it, not to mention its … Read more »


5 Nutritious and Fun School Lunch Ideas

When I was growing up, I always envied my classmates whose parents surprised them at lunchtime by dropping off fast food burgers and fries. Now that I know better, I feel bad for those kids, but it’s hard to blame parents when you don’t know where they’re coming from. Sometimes they’re just stressed out and juggling too many things and the convenience and low price of a quick lunch they know their kid will devour is just too tempting to pass up. In addition to this, many of us are familiar with the sad state of food quality in most school cafeterias.

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Healthy Snack Alert: Homemade Popcorn


Fun-Healthy-Popcorn-Recipe-Luvo-kernel-2 Popcorn is a very nutritious, high-fiber, low-calorie, wholegrain snack. No, I’m not talking about the neon yellow kind that comes in microwaveable pouches. For some strange reason, I spent most of my young life believing that was the only way I could enjoy popcorn. I was so, so wrong.

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5-Ingredient Smoothie Recipes

In the spirit of saving time and cash while maximizing taste, I challenged myself to whittle my usual 10+ ingredient morning smoothie recipes down to five ingredients. A wise friend pointed out that by doing this, I’ve also created recipes that are great for people who are new to the world of smoothie-ing (yes, I just made that word up).… Read more »