The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


6 Things To Do With Leftover Pumpkin Seeds

You spent your last Sunday driving to the closest pumpkin patch (which really wasn’t that close at all) in anticipation of your favorite scary holiday Halloween. Last year, you carved a pretty generic pumpkin of triangle eyes and sharp-ish teeth but this year, you plan to make something way more complex with one of the stencils you printed out from online—something like Ryan Goslings face or a duo of pumpkins that say “trick or treat” and “smell my feet.”… Read more »


How to Grow Sprouts

I never thought the day would come where I’d proclaim to the world that I love sprouts! And my love runs deep. One of my favorite breakfasts/lunches/dinners is a nice and chewy toasted Montreal-style bagel with cream cheese and a pile of sprouts on top. Sprouts are a great salad topper and add delicious crunch to sandwiches. Some sprouts taste great on their own. Have you ever tried sprouted peanuts? Do it.… Read more »


The Best Red Wines

to pair with Luvo’s latest entrées

If you saw our post pairing Luvo entrees with white wines, you’ll know you’ve got many options for taste matching with cool crisp cups. Today we’re going to complete the circle by suggesting a few red wines you might want to try with our new meals. You probably saw this post coming, because you’re smart. … Read more »


The Best White Wines

to pair with Luvo’s latest entrées

Luvo entrées are great on their own, of course, but if you’re looking to take them to an even higher degree on the taste experience scale, you might want to consider pairing your dish with a glass of wine. Since there is a lot of variety of flavors, sauces and seasonings in the latest entrées, we thought we’d offer a few suggestions for wine pairings, starting with the best white wines.… Read more »


Follow the Leader!

How parents can influence fitness

Parents, you’ve got the hardest job ever – you have to soothe those screeching toddlers in public, claim the kid that knocked over the store display and, in general, teach miniature humans right from wrong. It’s a daunting job, and we commend you! We’re all busy, with growing lists of things to do and teach our children; from safety, manners, and educating them to general awesomeness. But so often fitness and physical health can take a back seat. With childhood obesity and diabetes rates rising, it’s becoming urgent to encourage kids… Read more »


How To Make Veggies “COOL”

Who liked vegetables as a kid? Okay, some of us did. Some of us were perfect children who ate everything our parents put in front of us, with a smile. Others of us did not do that. Some of us need to be coaxed, cajoled, and/or tricked into eating something healthy.… Read more »


Six Healthier Ways to Enjoy Italian Food

Ah, Italian food, I’ve yet to meet a person who doesn’t love it in some form. Be it pasta, pizza, or tiramisu- it’s garnered a rep for being an indulgent and unhealthy fare, yet traditional Italian cuisine is quite contrary. Heart-healthy olive oil, antioxidant rich tomato sauces and fresh herbs in rustic Italian food is meant to be eaten as an event- enjoyed slow and deliberate. In recent years, Italian food has become mainstream, with chains using low-quality … Read more »