The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo

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Want to Boost Productivity? Eat Better Food

We all know people need nutrients to maintain healthy body function, but did you know that what you eat also affects your productivity at work? If you’ve ever gone out for a giant plate of pasta on your lunch break, you’ve probably experienced afternoon drowsiness, but did you also notice a general lack of focus?… Read more »


Is Gluten-Free Healthier?

Flip through any tabloid magazine (yes, I’m guilty!) and you’ll likely see a superstar with a slick body (Gwynnie! Miley!) declaring the virtues of a gluten-free menu. My bet is that you also have a neighbor, co-worker, or friend who has hopped on the gluten-free bandwagon and claims to have watched the pounds melt off and be feeling better than she has in ages.… Read more »


Cool Things in Canada That Aren’t Igloos

Canada is cool! And not just in the temperature sense (it actually gets pretty hot in some places). Not only are Luvo headquarters located in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, but our good-for-you snacks, breakfasts and entrees (which you’ve been enjoying south of the border for a while) are now available here too! Super cool.

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Combating Post-Happy Hour Cravings

Did somebody say TGIF? Or maybe its TGITH/TGIW/TGIT- even TGIM, I’m not here to judge how you see fit to relax after a hectic day! In my opinion, most days SHOULD end with an hour of happiness! … Read more »


Guilt-free Poutine

Poutine (pronounced “poo-tin” with a French-Canadian accent) is one of Canada’s most beloved dishes. Invented in Quebec in the 1950s, this pants-tightening snack consists of French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. The fries are usually the thicker variety, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The peppery gravy (poultry-based is preferred) and cheese curds are added just … Read more »

Learn How to Eat Wild Plants

Eating Wild Edible Plants

The idea of eating locally grown food has spread far and wide. The standard for many restaurants is to source as much of their menu as possible from farmers within a few hundred kilometres. But only eating items grown neatly in rows at a farm still leaves a lot of edible items uneaten—the wild ones. There are … Read more »