The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Interview with Vivica A. Fox: Winner of Luvo’s Celebrity Apprentice Challenge

This past Monday, Luvo was featured on an episode of The Celebrity Apprentice on NBC! Each team was tasked to create a bistro setting to present the Luvo brand, as guests sampled a selection of our frozen entrees. In the end, the women’s team came up victorious in the boardroom.

Photo: Hugh Dillon

Photo: Hugh Dillon

We caught up with Infinity project manager Vivica A. Fox to get her take on the outcome of the challenge.

Congratulations on winning the Luvo challenge! We thought you did a superb job. What did you find most unique about our brand?

The fact that the meals were so delicious and microwaveable. I was blown away. These are nutritious meals for people on the go. Then there was the connection with Delta Air Lines. I was like, Luvo is going to be great, so many times I get on flights and the food is not that great.

Some media outlets have reported that you broke the “girl code” when you mentioned Shawn Johnson was in the midst of, as she put it, her moon cycle. Do you regret sharing that with Mr. Trump in the boardroom?

Let’s talk about the grown woman code. I did not lie, those were the words from Shawn’s mouth. We’re there for a competition. You cannot check out. If I got fired for making excuses for her, then guess what? I would have been so mad at myself that I didn’t stand up for myself and for what really went down. I don’t try to do the mean girl personality. That’s not my style.

Had Team Infinity lost the challenge, which 2 team members would you have brought back to the boardroom with you and why?

Kate and Shawn for sure. Shawn for just being, you know, not being there and not being a team player. And Kate for taking 6 hours shopping and kind of checking out.

Who do you think is the strongest competitor on Team Vortex?

Without a doubt, Geraldo Rivera and Ian Ziering.

We thought Ian Ziering had a good understanding of our brand values and what sets us apart from other frozen food brands. You previously starred with Ian in Sharknado 2; how would you compare that experience to competing against him on The Celebrity Apprentice?

When we started Apprentice, they had the women against the men, so I didn’t really get to gel with him until we were further along in the competition. It started getting so catty with the women it was just driving me crazy so at one point I kind of looked at him and said “is this crazy?” because the men aren’t having all the drama. Overall they were pretty easy going, and kind of worked together. But we had a PMS week, we had girls that didn’t like each other, girls that couldn’t take constructive criticism. It was so crazy for me to deal with.

We love how you integrated our partnership with Delta Air Lines by having some of your team dress up as flight attendants! Whose idea was that?

They’re one of my favorites! I think it was Leeza and Brandi. What they didn’t show was that there were a couple of other bits that we did, where there were different characters. But once we found out that Luvo had partnered with Delta Air Lines, we decided for the main servers, when they first came out, to be dressed as stewardesses.

The charity you’re supporting is Best Buddies International. Tell us a bit about them and why you chose to fight for this cause?

I was introduced to them through my fantastic friend Carl Lewis. We’ve been friends for years and so one year he said look, I want you to come to this charity event. He said they’re really great people and they do wonderful things for kids with special needs. And I just fell in love with the foundation, how they carry themselves, how they give back. So many times, when I go to their events, I often end up in tears, because these kids are just hard workers, so the fact that I can help with funding is really great.

It’s rumoured that Joan Rivers will make an appearance in this season of The Celebrity Apprentice. What was it like working with her?

I love Joan Rivers. I miss her so much. She had interviewed me before on the red carpet, what are you wearing, the whole thing. So when I heard she passed I was shocked because we had just worked with her twice on Celebrity Apprentice. What you have to know about Joan is she’s just honest. And the fact that she won Celebrity Apprentice in her 70s, with a bunch of youngins, made me have even more respect for her. You know why? Because she had a great work ethic.

What have you learned from your experience competing on The Celebrity Apprentice?

So much. It’s completely changed me life. When I decided to do Celebrity Apprentice, because they had been after me for several years to do the show and I had no desire. Then I said, you know what, I’m going to be taken out of my comfort zone. I need to show people a new chapter and a new side of Vivica. People are so caught up in my love life, and the drama of the red carpet but they don’t understand that I work hard. I don’t have to be all about glamour, I can get in the kitchen, I can do the work. That was my main reason for doing The Celebrity Apprentice.

Aside from yourself, who would you say is the fiercest competitor on Team Infinity?

I’ll give it to two other women: Leeza Gibbons and Brandi Glanville. I was surprised with Brandi, how smart she was. She knows how to play the game.

Final thoughts from Vivica

It’s a wonderful business soap opera that’s played out organically. And that’s what I appreciate, when watching the show. It’s not forced. It’s not fake. What you guys see happen, happens.

Luvo Founder Steve Sidwell, Donald Trump, Luvo CEO Christine Day

Luvo Founder Steve Sidwell, Donald Trump, Luvo CEO Christine Day



Project Manager Vivica A. Fox, Luvo Executive Chef John Mitchell, Shawn Johnson

Project Manager Vivica A. Fox, Luvo Executive Chef John Mitchell, Shawn Johnson

Leeza Gibbons, Jamie Anderson, Vivica A. Fox

Leeza Gibbons, Jamie Anderson, Vivica A. Fox

If you’re looking for Luvo in your local area, visit our store locator at to find a grocery store near you.

Here’s a selection of clips from the show. Please be advised, some of the language is colourful in nature.

2 thoughts on “Interview with Vivica A. Fox: Winner of Luvo’s Celebrity Apprentice Challenge”

  1. Barbara E. Adams says:

    Where can we buy it? Is it diabetic friendly? Can the food be mailed to us?

  2. Heather Magee says:

    Hi Barbara! Visit to find Luvo near you. All of our nutritional info can be found on our packaging as well as our website at under ‘Our Food’. You can also purchase Luvo online at HSN:

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