The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


How to Have a Champion Day

“Have a nice day” is a common sign-off. Sometimes people get a little crazy and switch up the word “nice” with “great”, but what if you like to live on the edge? My trailblazing friend Corey used to end his voicemail greeting by saying “Have a champion day”, effectively transforming the word champion from a noun into an adjective and bringing a big smile to my face whenever I think about it.

How does one go about having one of these so-called champion days? Another man known for his exceptional use of words, the great Bob Dylan, once said:

“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.”

I think it’s time we all took Corey and Bob’s advice. Try these suggestions for knocking your day out of the park and sliding into home for the win.

Make a list of your goals for the day. I am an obsessive list-maker, and if you share this affliction you know there’s nothing quite as satisfying as striking something off your to-do list. I write down everything I plan to do, including even the seemingly insignificant things (take out the garbage, for instance) just so I can feel the joy of crossing something off. It might seem like a small thing, but the simple act of looking at a piece of paper with your goals for the day crossed off brings a sense of accomplishment that feels pretty great. Fast Company has more tips on how to make your to-do list an effective productivity tool.

Eat like a champion. I’m not talking about downing a bunch of raw eggs like Rocky (unless your to-do list includes going toe-to-toe with Apollo Creed), but how you fuel your body affects both your performance and way you feel. Ever move like a snail through your to-do list after a heavy lunch? Excessive sugar leads to crashes, big plates of pasta lead to naps… the list goes on. Unless a nap is also on your to-do list, you may want to adjust your menu selections to support your daily goal accomplishment. While some foods boost your energy others are scientifically proven to boost your mood. Check out a well-researched rundown of mood-enhancing foods here.

Get moving. Researchers have known for a long time that moderate exercise has mood-enhancing powers. While you may have noticed that a quick workout perks you up and makes you more productive for the rest of your day, research suggests that a regular exercise program can make a significant impact on not only your physical fitness but your mental health, too. This is due to the fact that it enhances the action of endorphins, which help improve natural immunity and reduce the perception of pain. Learn more about exercise and mood enhancement here.

Do something nice for someone. In one of my favorite movies of all time, Clueless, the main character Cher says: “’Tis a far far better thing doing stuff for other people.” While her grammar leaves something to be desired, she’s right about one thing: it feels good to make someone else feel good. Try paying someone a genuine compliment or performing a random act of kindness (and I don’t mean ‘liking’ their new profile pic). Tell that stranger walking in front of you that you like her boots, hold the door for someone, give up your seat on the train. It might be one of the easiest ways to improve someone’s day, and yours too.

Get enough rest. Not getting enough sleep can affect your productivity and mood significantly. The amount of sleep one needs to be productive during their waking hours varies from person to person. Some people need as little as six hours and others as much as ten, but the average needed amount of sleep required for a productive day is eight hours. Experiment with your alarm clock to find your perfect amount of sleep and try to stick to that schedule. If you have trouble sleeping, the American Psychology Association has more info on how to get a good night’s rest. You can also check out our list of 5 Foods That Help You Sleep.

What are your secrets for having a champion day? Share them in the comments below, on our Facebook page, or on Twitter @luvoinc.


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