The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Transportation Alternatives for City Slickers

How do you get around? For those of us who live in the city, it’s a daily question. Do I drive, and risk not finding parking, or do I cycle, and take on a bit of sweat. Or, do I go for public transit and trust the timing of a few tight connections. The good news is that today there are more options than even for getting where you need to go. Let’s talk about the benefits of each.

We seem to have turned a page in our approach to transportation. Multiple recent studies suggest that we are embracing ways of getting around other than driving solo in a vehicle, which is generally pretty good news for the environment, our health and our public infrastructure. The City of Vancouver has seen an increase in the proportion of people choosing biking over driving, and a 2013 study by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute showed that Americans are driving less, and the recent drop has been significant. Here are a few way to move around.


Some people are hesitant to try biking around busy cities, but most who have will never go back. A recent report by the Calming Technology Lab (the name alone is good for a smile) indicates that those who commute by bike arrive at work less stressed, and continue to be more relaxed an hour later, compared to those who traveled by car or transit. Another study from Copenhagen did a cost-benefit analysis of cycling compared to driving, and found the costs of driving vehicles on society is six times higher than cycling, and concluded that “infrastructure change in favor of the bicycle is economically justified.”

It’s also good for your health. Yet another study (apparently it’s a hot topic for researchers) from the University of East Anglia and the Centre for Diet and Activity Research over several years found a link between commuting by bike and weight loss.

Carpool or carshare

City-Transportation-Alernatives-Luvo-carpool Carpooling doesn’t get enough attention. Sharing a car with others provides social engagement and less stress when you’re not driving, and it’s good for the environment. Plus, you get to use the carpool lane on the highway, which often means you can fly past traffic. Another option that is growing in popularity is carsharing. Cities across North America have programs that allow access to a vehicle from their fleet, which you can usually reserve from your smartphone. Most make parking, pick ups and drop offs extremely easy. A study from l’Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal found that households that are members of carsharing programs drive much less than non-member households. That’s all kinds of good.

Public transit

City-Transportation-Alernatives-Luvo-transit Public transit is also having a renaissance in many places around the world. The stigma of taking the bus or subway doesn’t exist for younger generations, and infrastructure continues to improve. Cities named as the most livable in the world are often the ones with the best public transit systems. It’s a no-brainer. Taking public transit frees you up to read, listen to a podcast or just sit back and think about sweet nothing.

What’s your favorite way to get around town? Get inspired here, share your tips in the comments and on Twitter at @luvoinc

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