The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Clean Eating vs. Healthy Eating

What’s the Difference?

I might be aging myself here, but I remember when “clean” referred to how I kept my apartment or office cubicle. Now, it seems, clean has come to mean embracing a healthy lifestyle. People wear the phrase “clean eating” like a badge of honor, and post pictures of their prizes—anything from #greenjuice to #jerky to less processed versions of candy and cookies—on blogs, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Here’s a little newsflash: Clean is not the same as nutritious. Hear me out, people! Although no formal or clinical definition exists, clean eating generally refers to how a food is produced—it’s path from where it originates (farm = clean; manufacturing facility = not so much) to your plate. Food products with more steps along that path (say, a little road trip to the manufacturing facility) are generally thought of as less clean.

I’m all for any lifestyle that encourages eating more fruits and vegetables (not surprisingly, clean!) but here’s the catch: That #glutenfree, #grainfree, #vegan, #refinedsugarfree cookie you’re eating is still….well, a cookie. An organic version of a chocolate-covered peanut butter cup is still very much a treat. And that green juice that costs as much as $10 typically lacks fiber and protein—two substances that help you feel full and promote better health—and leaves you with a glassful of sugar!

I know. Buzz kill. But, the point I’m making here is nutritious foods—namely, those fruits and veggies, whole grains, healthy proteins and fats—are key to better health, as proven over and over in scientific studies. Hyper-processed packaged foods deserve a bad rap but plenty of foods take that road trip through a manufacturing facility and come out no worse for the wear! Examples include steel cut oats, quinoa, pre-washed salads, frozen fruits and veggies, antibiotic free meats, nuts, eggs, and so on.

Certainly, these ingredients make their way on clean menus across the country, and that’s a good thing! They also form the basis of Luvo meals—and we wear nutrition like a badge of honor! Just wait ‘til you see our new packaging, which makes it easier to determine what goodies, like fiber and protein, are packed in your meal. But I digress…

I’m in favor of organic farming practices because it’s better for the environment, and I also support any movement that encourages eating more whole foods. If clean eating means giving potato chips and soda the boot, then count me in! But on the journey to improving your diet, consider not just what’s being taken out of your food (pesticides, antibiotics, gluten, GMOs) but what’s actually in there. A so-called clean grain-free, no-bake, refined-sugar-free pie is fine to eat—as dessert. Ditto for that organic candy. But for the most part, the focus should be on eating more nutritious food, and that means not just clean, but also healthy. As for that green juice? This one baffles me. Why not just eat a salad and an apple?

2 thoughts on “Clean Eating vs. Healthy Eating”

  1. Carmel says:

    Do you have an Instagram name?

    1. Oli Maughan says:

      You bet!

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