The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Common Cravings and Better Choices

Some people are haunted by gummy bears, while others have permanent French-fry brain. Then there are those of us who aren’t quite human until we have a creamy, sugary cup of joe. Whatever cravings lurk in the back of your mind ready to pounce at any moment, it’s comforting to know alternative choices are out there to help yousatisfy your cravings without sacrificing your health.



If you simply can’t live without a hot cup of energy in the morning, green tea is a great alternative to coffee for a number of reasons. It has a little caffeine for that energy boost, but less than coffee, and studies have shown that it may have many other health benefits . Plus, with the growing popularity of tea shops, many delicious green tea flavors are available. That means you can still enjoy warm treat in the morning, without having to add tons of sugar or cream.

If you find yourself downing several cups of coffee every day, try switching it out one or two days a week with a naturally flavored green tea. The small amount of caffeine to help you wake up, and it will satisfy that morning craving for a hot beverage.



If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll be pleased to know there are several sugar alternatives out there that still bring the sweetness but not the negatives associated with refined, white sugar. Skip the artificial alternatives and go for natural sweeteners like maple syrup, stevia, agave, or honey.

Whether you’re making a beverage sweeter, baking some special treats, or sweetening up a sauce, these options work great. Just be sure to do a quick online search to make sure you’re substituting the correct amount of natural sweetener for sugar, because some are sweeter than others.

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Too much sodium in your diet is never a good look, and can lead to a variety of health problems. Whether you’re on doctor’s orders to limit your salt intake or you’re just trying to eat healthier, try skipping the salt and opting for herbs and spices to add more flavor to your food.

If you’re going to use salt, use it in moderation and be sure to opt for the sea salt variety, which is packed with essential minerals.

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Who doesn’t love the ooey gooey goodness of cheese? Unfortunately, it’s another one of those ingredients that isn’t great for you in large amounts.If you simply can’t live without a cheesy sauce or a sprinkle of Parmesan on your pasta, nutritional yeast is a great substitute!It has a naturally cheesy flavor and tastes great sprinkled on pasta, and you can use it in sauces for added ‘cheesiness’. Bonus: it’s a good source of protein and B-complex vitamins!

Where the heck can you find this amazing ingredient? It’s usually available at your local healthy grocer, such as Whole Foods.

Comfort Food  Luvo-Craving-Choices.jpg

Sometimes, when you’re feeling down on a rainy, cold evening, you need something to warm your tummy and make you feel good. Unfortunately this often translates to meals that are heavy, high in fat and calories, and overall not ideal for your health.

Believe it or not, alternatives are out there that can have all the amazing flavors of your favorite go-to comfort meals, but with less of the negatives. For example, if you love a hot bowl of hearty chili, try our Chicken Chili Verde. It’s packed with flavor!

Ice Cream


You can’t beat a sweet, cold treat! If you get a hankering for ice cream, thankfully there are options out there that aren’t as heavy on the cream and sugar. Sorbet, frozen yogurt, frozen bananas thrown in a blender, or ice in your blended smoothie are all great alternatives.

The bottom line when it comes to cravings: it’s all about making better choices. You don’t have to deprive yourself! Enjoy treats from time to time, but when your cravings start taking over, try one of my suggestions and make the choice to feel awesome without missing all those yummy flavors you love.


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