The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Confessions of a Food Truck Driver

As you may know, Luvo joined the legion of New York City food trucks in August and we’ve been having a ball getting to know our customers in and around NYC. One of the most interesting aspects of running a food truck is the fascinating people you meet each day, so we thought it might be fun to interview two of our favorite local food trucks here in Vancouver, BC (Luvo Headquarters) to get the skinny right from the source.

Our subjects:

Interview-Food-Trucks-Luvo-Foods-christina Christina Culver of Culver City Salads
Culver City Salads is a little vegan salad truck and delivery service in Vancouver. Built around healthy living, Culver City Salads serves up a selection of delicious vegan salads, always packed with loads of colourful vegetables and proteins.

Interview-Food-Trucks-Luvo-Foods-zach Zach Berman of The Juice Truck
Founded in 2011, The Juice Truck is Vancouver’s first and original Cold-Pressed Juice Company. Juice does some amazing things for your body and health. It’s also delicious, refreshing and hydrating, which is every bit as important. Especially the delicious part.

We caught up with these two mobile foodies to ask them 5 questions on what it’s really like to operate a food truck. Here’s what they had to say…

What is the strangest request you’ve ever received from a customer?

Christina: Hot dogs, mostly, and so many other animal protein-based food cart delights. Sometimes I wonder if my life would be easier if I just had a bunch of fresh wieners on hand at all times.

Zach: When we first opened we often had people asking for pop (soda) or hot dogs presuming a food truck must have junk food!

What is the pickiest request you’ve ever received from a customer?

Christina: We are designed by picky people for picky people, so that’s a tough one. I’m vegan and my sister is gluten free and most of our friends and family love to eat healthy so what we do is totally picky friendly.

Zach: We are used to making lots of custom orders to cater to specific allergies and diets. It’s easy to switch up recipes when you’re working with juice and smoothies, so long as we can do it, its not picky.

What do you like best about the mobile business of working on a food truck?

Christina: No two days are ever exactly the same. We are constantly meeting the most interesting people from all over the world. We get to be that little bit of extra veggie life at just about any party! Plus we get to drive our lovely little green truck around town. What’s not to love?

Zach: It is a more intimate form of food service that gives you a good opportunity to really get to know your regulars and engage with the neighbourhood. We love the Gastown community of Vancouver and are happy to be part of it.

Have you ever served a celebrity? If so, who and what did they order?

Christina: I catered a photo-shoot for Kit Harington last summer and apparently he took all the leftovers home with him. It was a bunch of different salads, snacks and cookies if memory serves. That was a pretty cool day!

Zach: We are lucky to have served a number of celebrities. One of the most memorable visits was Joshua Jackson – he ordered the Strawberry Coconut.

If you could station your food truck anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

Christina: Most challenging question ever! Being born and raised in the one of the most beautiful cities, my answer is Vancouver all the way, but eventually I’d love to have enough trucks that we could literally roam around the world! The US is always on the brain. I’m also a Swiss citizen, so one day I’d love to have trucks in Europe as well.

Zach: We have a dream to take the truck on a road trip through a foreign region like South America or Asia to explore the local produce and teach people about juice.

What’s your favorite food truck cuisine? Share with us in the comments below. And don’t forget to follow our food truck adventures around New York City on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #LuvoNYC.

2 thoughts on “Confessions of a Food Truck Driver”

  1. Grace Peer says:

    How can I start a Luvo food truck in my area?

    1. Oli Maughan says:

      Hi Grace, the Luvo food truck was a promotional activation for us just for the summer! Thank you for your support!

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