The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The Coolest Hybrid Vegetables

What do you get when you cross broccoli with cauliflower? Broccoflower, of course. It’s just one of many hybrid vegetables or fruits you might already be eating. And though new ones take many years to perfect before they hit the market, there are likely many more on the way. Let us introduce you to a few of the most interesting ones.

Hybrids are created when two plants of different varieties or species are cross-bred with the intention of producing an offspring that includes the best traits of each. The history of plant hybrids is long. By choosing which plants and animals were bred, early farmers and breeders could influence advantageous changes in plants or animal species. Charles Darwin called it “artificial selection,” since people were directing the evolution, not nature. Plant breeders continue to push hybrid vegetables in fun new directions. Here are few of the coolest.


This is one you might already know, since was first made in the early 1990s. A combination of broccoli and Chinese broccoli, the result appears similar to broccoli but with smaller florets and taller stalks. It’s high in vitamin C, and according to many, tastes better than broccoli. Here’s a recipe that includes smoked paprika, almonds and garlic.


Had enough of kale? Maybe you should switch to kalettes, a relatively new hybrid of kale and brussel sprouts created through traditional hybridization techniques. Also going by the names of flower sprout and BrusselKale, kalettes consist of small groups of purple-green leaves that look more or less like kale. It’s been available in North America since 2014. Want to try them out? Here are a few ways.


Yep, another broccoli hybrid. Apparently broccoli is rather easy to hybridize. Broccoflower is broccoli crossed with cauliflower, and looks like green-tinted cauliflower. The two parent vegetables are quite closely related, both deriving from wild mustard (along with cabbage, brussel sprouts and kale). Broccoflower is nice steamed, boiled or sautéed. Here’s one way to prepare it.


Not all hybrids are fanciful combinations of two different plants. Some are crosses of two varieties within the same family, such as many tomatoes (which I realize are fruit, not vegetables). Two examples include Juliet, a compact Roma-style variety, and my favorite, Sun Gold, a super sweet and small orange variety that tastes like candy.


Many of the coolest fruits in existence are hybrids, including tangelo (a cross between tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit), yuzu (sour mandarin and Ichang papeda), and pluot (plum and apricot). All worth a try!

What’s your favorite hybrid vegetable? Can you name any that we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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