The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Oats on Anything

If you’ve been to a café lately, which I’m just going to assume you have, you’ve probably seen a delicious snack or square made even tastier-looking by the presence of flaky oats sprinkled on top. There are few foods these days not touched by the presence of oats, a miracle food if ever there was one. Because they are high in soluble fiber—more than any other grain—oats have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

The oats we eat come from the seed of a cereal grain. After they are harvested they are cleaned and processed, but they contain fiber and nutrients because the bran and the germ are preserved. The oat’s outer hull is removed and the remaining “inner oat groat” is steamed, heated and cooled.

Oats come in a few forms, all of which have many uses in baking, cooking and sprinkling. Steel cut oats are never flattened; the oat groat is simply chopped a few times to produce coarse oatmeal high in fiber and protein and great for breakfast. Rolled oats are softened then rolled to create flakes also used for oatmeal that softens faster than steel cut. And oat flour consists of ground oats sifted to make fine flour.

Here are a few stellar ways to add oats to your life.


Of course, this is the number one way to take your oats. Steel cut oats, as I’ve mentioned, are a healthy way to start the day. The kind I buy has 6 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein per serving. Add some cinnamon, a few raisins and toasted almonds and you’re morning is perfect, I guarantee it.


Yes, it can be done. Salads with grains provide a nice balance of neutral carbs with fresh bursts of fruit or vegetables. Try this breakfast version with blueberries, or this savory version with kale.


Oats make a great thickener in a range of dishes, including meatloaf and meatballs. Here’s a recipe for meatloaf that will take you right back to your childhood, if you’re me.


Oats add a pleasant heartiness to any loaf. Try this maple oatmeal version, or these delicious oatmeal dinner rolls. Just two options out of many.

Desserts and Treats

Now we’re getting into the good stuff. Oats are natural a complement to many desserts, since they can be sprinkled on top or mixed in to provide some heft to balance the sweetness. From cherry-oat scones to pie with an oat-based pastry crust, rich, whole-grain waffles to my absolute favorite cookies: oat delights. You can add oats to anything. 

What’s your favorite way to enjoy oats? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter at @luvoinc. If you’re  you’re tight on on time and looking for something that tastes great (and packed full of nutrients) be sure to check out Luvo’s Steel-Cut Oats with Quinoa!

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