The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


7 DIY Veggie Chips (that aren’t Kale)

…and that you don’t need a dehydrator for

Summer is around the corner and I’m in full blown culotte-prep mode (bikini is a stretch). Which means upping my veggie intake while simultaneously addressing a little potato addiction I developed over the winter time. Here are a few of my favorite tasty and easy recipes to get you snacking smarter:

  1. Brussels sprouts

I know what you’re thinking—“um.. no”. But hear me out. This is one of the best things I’ve eaten this year. This yummy recipe from Popsugar is super easy and quick to prepare…I always whip these up when one of my awesome gluten-free-paleo-vegan friends drop by.

  1. Broccoli

This one’s a great way to convert the veggie-hater in your life. Also, if you’re like me and have a habit of burning things, you’ll love the fact that these magnificent munchies taste better the more you burn char them.

  1. Beet

Confession, I totally buy these tasty taters at the farmer’s market, but if I were to hop in the kitchen and whip these bad boys out, I would bang out this recipe from the Minimalist Baker.

  1. Radish

This is a new one for me, as good as they are as a stand-alone chip, they’re even better as a crunchy salad topper! One trick I found useful when rocking this recipe from is to toss ‘em in the microwave before baking to get rid of excess moisture.

  1. Purple Yam

This one is a double whammy, not only does this recipe produce the closest thing to your beloved potato chip, with a slight modification you can also turn these puppies into a healthier version of your other favorite potato product: French Fries.

  1. Spinach

My name is Olive but there’s a reason I ain’t married to Popeye. This one took some convincing (thanks Angela), and is currently the sole reason I buy spinach.

  1. Turnip

This healthy twist on my favorite salty snack will surely be devoured by the entire group. One thing to remember with this one in particular is that the thinner you slice the chip, the more prone they are to burning.

Last but not least, if it’s purely greens you’re looking to up, our friends at the kitchn have 7 leafy green chip recipes right here. My big pro-tip: if you don’t have a mandolin (the slicer, not the miniature guitar) get one. It’s worth the $4 investment and will totally open up your recipe repertoire to things you never even knew existed.

Share your favorite veggie chip recipes with us here or on Twitter @Luvoinc

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