The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Drowning Out The Drunchies

Drunchies? What kind of new millennial word is that? Does it go on Fleek? Does this have to do with the elusive ‘Bae’ or the ever disappearing Felicia? Drunchies is an epidemic of sad, and desolate proportions, but we here at Luvo are coming to your rescue.

Let’s for a moment travel to the ever delicious and calorically-dense world of late-night drunk munchies. Tacos, pizza, hot dogs, fried food galore, with a stomach full of beer you’ll always want more. Oh, I’m sorry, was I rhyming? I tend to get a surge of giddy joy when I think about melted cheese and simple carbohydrates- and it makes sense! Our brains are hard-wired to love the stuff!

Unfortunately, too many late nights end lovingly gazing into the pepperoni eyes of your pizza’s soul- waking up bloated, thirsty and filled, quite literally, with digestive regret. Why? Why do our bodies have such a Shakespearean level, unrequited love for these drunchie all-stars? Well, you can thank biology and your over-protective body for trying to keep you alive (real dramatic, homeostasis).

Whenever you settle in for a quality night with your favorite social lubricant, your body says, ‘Dear God, she’s at it again- all hands on deck!’. Your body turns its focus, and metabolic attention on getting those tequila shots out of your system as quickly as it can, putting all other digestion on hold. Instead of using the food sitting in your stomach as energy, it begins to use empty alcohol calories as quick energy. The process converts all excess calories in your stomach to fat. Even though your body is turning food into fat, like some sinister fairy godmother, it truly has a heart of gold- like Maleficent!

So what’s a girl to do? Te quiro cervezas y tacos! Let me share some professional advice perfected by some of the most revered master of drunchies (me): frozen meals- namely ours! Seriously, Luvo meals offer a haven of nutritional deliciousness that are especially beneficial in a drunken state! Our flash-frozen ingredients pack a powerful nutrient-rich punch and the whole hearty grains will help soak up any residual booze. At Luvo, we only use quality meat free of antibiotics, so unlike that hot dog from the curb vendor, at least you’ll know what “variety” of meat you’re eating.

So, the next time you anticipate a night of bad dancing and poor decisions don’t let your diet fall into the gutter along with your morals. Instead, drink a tall glass of water, with a tasty Luvo Chicken Chile Verde dinner and leave the drunchies south of the border.

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