The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Just Put an Egg On It

We know you’re into protein. We are too. Not that we’re being crazy about it, we’re just trying to make sure we get enough to satisfy our daily needs. It’s well known that protein helps repair muscles—it’s one of the main macronutrients our bodies need to function optimally, along with carbs and fats. So how do you make sure you’re getting enough? One easy, tasty and fun way is to take what you’re eating and put an egg on it.

Poached, scrambled, over easy, hard boiled—eggs can be prepped in a myriad of ways that makes them ideal additions to so many meals. Let’s explore a few.


Ramen noodles are great on their own, of course. But when you compare the lowly noodle-only version you make at home with the meat, egg and onion combo you get in most ramen restaurants, you start to yearn for something more. The answer? Put an egg on it. You can simply hard boil an egg in water, then add your noodles and seasoning, or for another level of difficulty, cook the noodles halfway then crack an egg in it, and cook for three or four minutes. Voila, poached egg ramen.


This has quickly become the snack of the century, combining the rich texture of warm avocado with the hearty joy of eggs. Just cut an avocado in half, take of the stone, remove some flesh, and crack an egg in it. Add some seasonings of your choice and bake at 450 degrees for at least 10 minutes. Magic!


Risotto is a rich dish usually loaded with carbs—why not balance it out with a fried egg or two? This recipe calls for several vegetables mixed in with the risotto, so the egg makes for a more complete meal. You can also create it with Luvo’s Nine Grain Pilaf, which is nicely complemented by an egg. 

Roasted Root Vegetables

It’s fall. In my house that means one thing: it’s root vegetables season. Sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, squash, onions, carrots, turnips—whatever. Chop them up and throw them in the oven. But this year, why not try it with a couple of eggs on top? First roast the veggies, then fry the eggs separately, and combine. Here’s one way to do it, though there are many options.


I know what you’re thinking: “No.” But don’t knock it till you try it. This is actually pretty common practice in many parts of the world. It’s a great way to add some richness and protein to pizza if the cheese isn’t enough for you. Simply pop your favorite pizza into the oven, bake until it’s got about five or seven minutes to go, then crack an egg or two on top, and put the pizza back in the oven. In five or so minutes, or longer if you prefer, the egg will start setting. A pizza upgrade for any time of day.

What’s your favorite dish to put an egg on? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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