The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Festivus: Airing of Grievances

Continuing on with our Festivus festivities, comes another cherished tradition coined by the Costanzas. A Festivus celebration always begins with the Airing of Grievances, which must take place the moment the Festivus feast is served.

Beginning at the head of the table, each person takes a turn lashing out at others (and society in general), describing how they’ve been disappointed during the course of the year. What seems negative at first can be viewed as a cleansing or clean slate in preparation for the New Year ahead. Or, things could get hostile. Either way, we sat down with Luvo’s VP of Nutrition Samantha Cassetty to get her take on eating right and being well throughout the holidays.

There’s so much temptation around the holiday season. What’s one way to satiate midday snacking when coworkers keep filling the lunchroom with sugary treats?

Co-workers at Luvo do that? Seriously, the key is to avoid hunger since your willpower won’t have a chance of avoiding those treats once hunger sets in. Keep healthy snacks handy so you’re prepared when hunger strikes. I’m a big fan of popcorn, which, surprisingly, is considered a whole grain. At the office, keep a stash of Skinny Pop or something similar to help with the mid-day munchies. I also like trail mixes when I’m in the mood for something sweet. The dried fruit/nut combo offers a nice assortment of textures (chewy, crunchy) and flavors (sweet, salty) and feel-full nutrients, like protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Sometimes, I even throw popcorn in with the trail mix.

Holiday parties, family events and holiday shopping can leave you feeling a little worn down. What are some healthy tips to keeping your energy up through the new year?

It might go without saying but try to guard your sleep. Short-changing your sleep can wreak havoc on your hunger hormones, sending you straight to the cookie jar. If it’s too late for that, try short bouts of physical activity. It sounds counter-intuitive but a walk around the block or office can help perk you up when your energy is low. To the best of your ability, stay on track with your healthy routines. That means continuing with your fitness activities, eating plenty of produce, etc. Heavy meals and sugary treats can weigh you down mentally and physically so try to incorporate healthier meals to balance out those indulgences and keep your energy humming.

What’s an example of a nutritious appetizer to bring to a holiday party that won’t go untouched like a jell-o mould or fruitcake?

I love bringing veggies and dip—flavorful hummus, guacamole, red pepper dip, tzaziki—you name it! That way, I can count on something delicious and satisfying to eat that doesn’t bring on the guilt. Whole grain pita chips add crunch, and the assortment of colors on the tray is really festive.

One popular libation this time of year is spiked eggnog. Is there a healthier alternative?

Traditional eggnog is really rich but you can buy a ready-to-drink lightened up version—or hunt down an eggnog recipe and make your own.  Let’s not forget that eggnog is made with milk (or a milk alternative) so you’re getting some calcium and protein. The recipe I found has about as much protein as an ounce of deli turkey! Not to get side tracked but I love using eggnog as a coating for French toast—an indulgent holiday brunch that my son is crazy for!

If you could indulge in one thing this time of year, what would it be?

I’m a year-round indulger but at this time of year, I give myself a little more leeway with the sweets! I love chocolate bark, fudge, and linzer cookies. Oh, was I supposed to pick just one?

Any grievances you’d like to air, or tips on how to stay centered and energized until News Years Eve? Sound off in the comments below!

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