The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


A Festivus for the Rest of Us

If you were a fan of the popular 90s sitcom Seinfeld, the term Festivus should spark up some nostalgia. The prolific aluminum pole. A meal consisting of meatloaf and spaghetti with red sauce. George Costanza (Jason Alexander) being wrestled to the floor by his father in an attempt to pin him against his will. Oh Festivus, how you warm the cockles of my heart.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the faux holiday, Festivus was born during an episode of Seinfeld where Kramer (Michael Richards) becomes interested in resurrecting the Costanza holiday tradition after George’s father Frank (Jerry Stiller) tells him how he created Festivus as an alternative holiday, which is “officially” observed on December 23.

We’re big fans of weird and wacky holiday traditions so we thought we’d spread the Festivus spirit with a series of blog articles. We’ll also be hosting a Festivus trivia contest on Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to follow us there and brush up on your Seinfeld-isms.

Here are a few tips for those of you looking to throw your own Festivus fête:

How to create your Festivus pole

If you do a quick Google search, you might be surprised how many websites have been created for the sole purpose of helping one construct a Festivus pole. I sure was. If you have an aluminum pole lying around, this will be a simple project for you. If you’re like me and you don’t, here’s how I would tackle it:

  • Take two pieces of wood (easily obtained in any garage or wood shed) approximately 2 feet in length and a half a foot wide. Place them in an X and nail them together.
  • Next, after wrapping all of your Festivus gifts, take the long cardboard tube the paper was wrapped around and spray paint it silver.
  • Finally, secure your “pole” to the wooden base you’ve created using silver duct tape so it blends nicely.

What to serve for your Festivus feast

You could slave away preparing the aforementioned Festivus dishes from scratch, but you’ll want to save your energy for Feats of Strength (blog article to come). Let Luvo do the heavy lifting in the kitchen with our Turkey Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes and Whole Grain Penne Pasta.

How to facilitate a Festivus miracle

Traditionally, a Festivus miracle can be described as a strange coincidence or an alignment in the stars. For purposes of a Festivus party, however, you could invite a surprise guest, perhaps someone from out of town that no one is expecting to see. Then when they arrive at your party shout “it’s a Festivus miracle!” – loudly. Or, you can choose to forgo this ritual altogether.

Were you a big Seinfeld fan in the 90s? Tell us how you would celebrate Festivus with your friends and family in the comments below!

Watch for our next Festivus article on the traditional Airing of Grievances, featuring an interview with our VP of Nutrition Samantha Cassetty on ditching your bad health and eating habits.


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