The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Awesome Avocado Recipes

I must confess – my love for avocados was born out of two experiences: 1.) an impromptu Mexican road trip, where they became my surfing fuel, and 2.) learning that the first thing Jason Mraz (my fantasy boyfriend) bought when he made it big was an avocado farm. I often fantasized about meeting Jason backstage and impressing him with my avocado knowledge so much that he would invite me to work on his avocado farm and eventually become his wife. Totally realistic, right? Well, my life took a slightly different path. I didn’t make it backstage (my bulletproof plan was foiled by security within seconds), but I did end up continuing my love affair with avocados.

Here are a few of my favorite recipes to enjoy this delicious fruit:

1. Guacamole Recipe  five-neat-recipes-to-eat-avocado-guacamole

Guacamole is my favorite condiment; I add it to everything! I use it as salad dressing, veggie dip, and even as a base when I make tuna, egg or chicken salad sandwiches.

To this day, I haven’t found a better guacamole recipe than this one from Alton Brown’s Good Eats


2. Avocado “Ice Cream” Recipe

The only things I crave more than avocados are frozen treats, so I thought it might be neat to put my favorite things together! I use this recipe a lot. I modify it and make it extra awesome by adding frozen bananas.

3. Avocado Smoothie Recipe five-neat-recipes-to-eat-avocado-smoothie

About a year ago, I discovered that I had to end my love affair with dairy (sad face), so I’ve been using avocado as my smoothie base ever since. My current favorite is this kiwi smoothie from Dr. Mark Hyman’s 10-Day Detox recipe guide.

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Photo courtesy of

4. Avocado Salad Recipe

My avocado addiction started with simply slicing it over a salad. It got real when I started experimenting with spices and mixing it with my other favorite fruit: watermelon. Knock the ball out of the park at your next picnic with this amazing recipe for avocado melon salad from

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Photo courtesy of

5. Avocado Breakfast Recipe 

I didn’t think it was possible, but my favorite meal of the day got even better the moment I saw a picture of an egg sitting in an avocado on Pinterest. I’ve been making this high protein, high fiber recipe after my weekend workouts ever since. Not only does it look amazing but it also tastes incredible and gives my body exactly what it needs when my energy is running low.

What more can I say? Avocados have more potassium than bananas, their creamy texture makes them the perfect substitute for butter or mayo, and they’re full of vitamins, amino acids and nutrients to keep you strong and energized. Add a few to your weekly menu and before you know it, you’ll be fantasizing about avocado farms too.

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