The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Foods to Perk You Up

At the beginning of every year, many people vow to cut out various things in their lives, from toxic substances and unhealthy foods to toxic people and unhealthy habits. One resolution a lot of people make is to reduce their reliance on stimulating substances, which can include caffeine. Why do people want to reduce their dependence on caffeine? Is it really that bad? The answer is not really but you should be aware of a few things:

Dehydration: You might notice that you take a few extra trips to “the loo” when you’re drinking coffee or caffeinated beverages. That’s because caffeine is a diuretic (aka it increases your urine production). If you’re not making up for that with rehydration (in the form of water or non-diuretic, water-containing things), you could become dehydrated.

Withdrawal: As you drink more caffeine, your body builds up a tolerance, which is why some people end up drinking it all day to stay alert. This also means your body will experience symptoms of withdrawal when you don’t get your regular dose. These can include headaches and even nausea.

Added Calories: Caffeinated beverages often come with additional ingredients that are not ideal for your health. Adding cream and sugar to your coffees or drinking high-calorie lattes or sodas regularly can lead to weight gain.

And let’s not forget the pungent aroma of coffee breath coupled with a faintly yellow grin. If you’re ready to leave these things behind, we have some suggestions for foods that will perk you up while sparing you the embarrassment of having your name written incorrectly on a paper cup.

Caffeine Alternatives

What can you do if you’re terrified of letting go of your beloved coffee routine? While you may experience withdrawal symptoms, they will go away after a little perseverance. Another bonus is the money you’ll save without that $5-latte-a-day habit. We’ve already covered foods that help you sleep, so here are a few to try when you need to wake up:

Water: Start the day with a tall drink of H20 and you help your body stay hydrated, and keep refilling throughout the day. This helps your cells function at optimal levels and helps you avoid dehydration, which can lead to tiredness.

Apples: I have a friend who doesn’t drink coffee, but munches on an apple in the morning instead. How does an apple wake you up? While it won’t give you the immediate jolt of a cup of “joe”, the natural sugar content of the apple will give you stable energy, which is extended by the apple’s fiber content.

Oatmeal: You already know how much we love this stuff, but now we’ve got yet another reason to love oatmeal. Like other whole grains, oatmeal delivers lots of fiber and complex carbohydrates, which translate to slow-burn energy that lasts a long time.

Pistachios: High in protein with a healthy dose of good fats, a small handful of nuts provides long-lasting energy and helps keep your brain alert (peanut butter counts too). While all nuts will do this, I specify pistachios because you can have 62 of them for a 200-calorie snack, as opposed to just 8 walnuts (learn more about how various nuts measure up here).

Quinoa: Another one of those foods rich in complex carbs and protein, quinoa is a great thing to eat to stay energized throughout the day. Try it in our Organic Roasted Eggplant & Quinoa Burrito.

The trick to staying energized is really about getting all the nutrients you need to keep your body and mind operating at optimal levels. Relying on stimulating substances or refined sugars could lead to dependence, energy crashes and other effects not ideal for your health.

How do you stay energized? Share your tips in the comments, on our Facebook page or on Twitter @Luvoinc.


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