The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


4 Recipes That Use Coffee (That Aren’t Drinks)

A hot cup of coffee is something I would have a difficult time removing from my daily routine, but did you know there are plenty of other ways to enjoy it? And I’m not talking about the endless world of caffeinated beverages available on every corner. Just like you can cook with wine , you can also cook with coffee! Its distinctive flavor can play a complementary role alongside other ingredients in sweet desserts and savory entrees alike, and a little goes a long way. 

BLOG_coffee_recipes_pinterest_02_sept29 In honor of National Coffee Day, let’s explore the many ways to enjoy the almighty roasted bean that go beyond the drinks that have become engrained in so many of our lives. Here are four recipes that incorporate coffee that don’t come in beverage form:

Jamaican Coffee Brownies with Pecans

It’s no secret chocolate and coffee go well together. These brownies use Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, which is chosen for its bold, clean flavor, but the recipe author says you could get similar results by using good espresso beans. In addition to the coffee, this recipe features crystalized ginger for a spicy twist on the classic brownie. Get the recipe here: Jamaican Coffee Brownies with Pecans.

Ultimate Coffee Baked Beans on Toast 

The ingredients in this recipe are so flavorful and interesting in themselves that you can’t help but imagine the richness produced when they simmer together. Chipotle pepper, smoked garlic, shallots, molasses, bacon, tomatoes, espresso… oh my. If conventional baked beans are boring you, it’s time to give this mouthwatering recipe a try: Ultimate Coffee Baked Beans on Toast.

Caramelized Coffee Spiced Chicken

If you’re new to the world of cooking with coffee, using a coffee spice blend may be your best bet for getting delicious results the first time. This recipe uses a spice blend that includes coffee, sugar, cocoa, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, cardamom, allspice, mace and ginger. This blend is mixed with a few other ingredients to make a marinade for the chicken. Get the recipe: Caramelized Coffee Spiced Chicken.

Hearty Vegetarian Mole Chili

I’ve you’ve never tried mole before, it’s a savory Mexican sauce that incorporates chocolate. That might sound odd to a newbie but believe me, it’s delicious! This recipe is a healthy take on chili, and uses espresso, chipotle, adobo, chocolate and roasted poblano peppers to create the classic mole flavor. Top with your favorite chili fixings and dig in! Get the recipe: Hearty Mole Chili.

Try cooking with coffee by using one of these recipes and celebrate National Coffee Day in deliciousness.

Have you ever cooked with coffee? Share your favorite recipe in the comments or over on Twitter at @luvoinc


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