The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


The Freezer Gourmet

Create Meals From Your Favorite Leftovers

Ever cringe in horror when they reveal that the chefs competing on a reality show have to throw a gourmet meal together using the most bizarre combination of ingredients? Crushed granny mints, crumbled blue cheese, a Twinkie, a daikon radish, and…. Go! Looking into your fridge or freezer trying to come up with a gourmet meal for your family can feel like the same thing. Your challenge: make a delicious entrée out of a frozen pie crust, a handful of wilted parsley, a jar of questionable chutney and an old potato that’s starting to procreate. Yum? No.

Aging produce aside, learning how to make use of everything in your fridge while cutting down on your food waste can be fun. With that in mind, I’ve put together a list of tips and tricks you can try to make the most of your stores.

Frozen pie crust: These often come in packs of two, so after you make that Thanksgiving pie, you’ve got a shell leftover. Got a couple eggs kicking around? Quiche couldn’t be simpler to make. Just beat the eggs with some milk, chop up any veggies you have in the fridge, give them a quick sautee, and throw in some fresh or dried herbs of your choice. Pour it all into the pie shell and bake. Perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Frozen vegetables: Most of us have frozen vegetables of some sort hidden away in the corner of the freezer. Rice is also a common kitchen staple. Put them together and you can have some quick and delicious homemade fried rice. Sautee frozen veggies with cooked rice, season with soy sauce, pepper, garlic and sesame oil (if you have it), scramble in an egg for a protein boost and voila!

Old bananas: Expunge the guilt you had from not eating them before they turned brown and use those old frozen bananas already! If you can get past the grossness of squishing the slimy guts out of their brown peels, it turns out that old bananas have the richest concentration of that sweet flavor, making them the perfect ingredient for a variety of treats, from muffins and breads to quick cookies. These 2-Ingredient Healthy Banana Bread Breakfast Cookies only require mashed bananas and oats, and you can amp them up with any other flavorings you have on hand!

Frozen fish: If you’ve got a few filets in your freezer that might grow frosty fur soon but you have no idea how to cook them in a delicious way, hot sauce, which most of us have in the fridge, makes an excellent flavoring for white fish or shrimp. Simply fry the fish or shrimp in a pan and squirt on some hot sauce (Sriracha works well) during the last couple of minutes of cooking. (Also the perfect accompaniment to the fried rice mentioned above.)

Luvo entrees: If you have any of our good-for-you entrees in your freezer, plus a few other staples like eggs, greens or hot sauce, you can make any meal of the day gourmet. Check out our list of super simple breakfast hacks, which require minimal ingredients, and aren’t just limited to your morning meal.

What’s the craziest meal you’ve ever thrown together from random ingredients in your kitchen? Share them in the comments or on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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