The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


5 Nutritious and Fun School Lunch Ideas

When I was growing up, I always envied my classmates whose parents surprised them at lunchtime by dropping off fast food burgers and fries. Now that I know better, I feel bad for those kids, but it’s hard to blame parents when you don’t know where they’re coming from. Sometimes they’re just stressed out and juggling too many things and the convenience and low price of a quick lunch they know their kid will devour is just too tempting to pass up. In addition to this, many of us are familiar with the sad state of food quality in most school cafeterias.

Both of the above options leave something to be desired when it comes to adequate student nutrition, but it they’re certainly not the only solution for busy parents. If you don’t want your kids fueling their developing brains with endless French fries, why not look to these quick and nutritious lunch options instead? With a little planning ahead and prep, these are just as convenient and cost-effective as any fast food meal, but they’re a million times better for those little tummies.



Hard-Boiled Eggheads

Looking back now, I should have been less envious of those fast food kids and more appreciative of my mom’s loving lunches. One of my favorite tricks of hers was to draw little faces and love notes on the shell of a hardboiled egg. Eggs are some of the most nutritious things you can eat, and my mom’s personal touch made them that much more special to me.


Popcorn Trail Mix

We’ve already covered the fact that popcorn is a super nutritious snack (when you avoid the prepackaged microwave variety), so why not kick up the nutrition factor by mixing up your air-popped or stovetop popcorn with some nuts and dried fruit? Or try adding roasted soy nuts, chickpeas, or pepita seeds if your child’s school is nut free. Experiment with combinations and seasonings together for a fun activity.


Heathly-School-Lunch-Kids-Luvo-Foods-hummus Kiddie Crudite with Hummus + Pita

Let your kids have fun crunching on a rainbow with a selection of chopped raw veggies in their lunch. Accompany baby carrots, grape tomatoes, sliced cucumber (whatever they like best!) with a homemade dip like hummus. Throw in a whole-wheat pita and they’re getting a complete dose of protein for their growing muscles. They can even make their own little pita pocket and stuff everything inside if they like to play with their food.


Fun and Fancy Water

It’s no secret that soda and even fruit juice add tons of extra sugar to your kid’s diet. Water is the best thing they can drink to keep them hydrated for hours of learning and playing, but it’s a bit boring on its own. Why not make it fun by infusing their water bottle with some sliced strawberries, cucumber, lemon or watermelon? Yum!


Heathly-School-Lunch-Kids-Luvo-Foods-fruit-salad And For Dessert: Fruit!

With natural sweetness and candy-like color and flavor, fruit is usually a big win for kids. Instead of including processed cookies or candy as sweet treat in their lunchbox, give your kids a piece of fruit or a colorful fruit salad to keep their tiny taste buds stimulated. Throw in some creamy yogurt for dipping to add even more nutrition. Pro tip: Fruit that’s in season is the most mouth-watering!


Wh Organic Vegetarian Frozen Breakfast Burrito at About After School?

Any of these suggestions could easily double as after-school snacks, but if you’re looking to switch it up, why not give our burritos a try. With seven different flavor options, there’s something for every picky eater.

Getting your kids involved in the lunch menu selection and packing process helps them feel good about what they’re eating and build healthy habits for when you release them to the wild to fend for themselves.

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