The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


A Guide to Gochujang

If you’ve recently become obsessed with bibimbap, or you are a long time lover of the signature Korean dish, then you need to know about Gochujang.

What is Gochujang?

Gochujang is a spicy thick paste that carries a lot of flavor. It can be used in stews, soups and it makes a great and addition to your bibimbap. Actually it’s pretty much a requirement. Made from fermented soy beans, glutinous rice, chili pepper, salt and sometimes sugar, you might not be able to pronounce this spicy chili paste properly, but you will be able to taste it. Trust us. The sauce is pungent and fiery—a little goes a long way.

How To Get Gochujang?

The Korean paste can be purchased at most grocery stores and definitely at Korean grocery stores. It’s usually sold in a small plastic tub with a red lid, but there are different variations of the sauce. The level of spice ranges so be sure to check for an indication of how hot it is.

How To Use Gochujang?

You can try using it on tons of different dishes from salad to squash to steak. Bon Appetit has 18 great recipes to try out. If you are going to use it as a meat marinade be careful when cooking, as the sugar in the sauce can burn quickly.

Gochujang with Your Bibimbap?

As we mentioned before Gochujang is pretty much required with your bibimbap. We suggest cutting the paste with some additional ingredients to make for an extra delicious sauce (or better yet, kimchi!). You can try sesame oil, sesame seeds, honey or sugar, vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Start with 2 tablespoons of Gochujang and a tablespoon of each of the additional ingredients. Taste and alter as you see fit and use as much as you like.

Also, once you’ve popped the Gochujang container open it will last a long time, but be sure to store it in the fridge.

What’s your favorite way to use Gochujang? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter @Luvoinc.

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