The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Grocery Store Pick-up Lines

Forget bars and coffee shops–grocery stores are great places to meet people to date. Why? You can tell a lot about someone by the way they shop for their groceries. Maybe it’s the way they grab, squeeze and sniff that mango… maybe it’s the fact that they chose marinated tofu steaks over the strip loin… maybe you’ve finally found that person who likes the same weird cheeseburger flavored chips you do.

Since Luvo is all about getting fresh, we thought we’d share some tips for meeting that special someone when you’re cruising through the freezer aisle. Who knows… you might be walking down another kind of aisle with your own handsome mango squeezer at some point down the road!

It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can really just walk up to a person and ask their opinion on the grocery items they’re perusing. Saying something like “Nice melons” will likely get you a slap, so try to keep it light-hearted and fun.

Experts agree–the grocery store is the new hot spot

“The grocery store is one of my favorite places to meet people–you get to see what they’re all about based on how they shop,” says Devon O’Brien Ash, who teaches his clients how to get over their social anxiety and connect with people in a meaningful way. “You’re kind of doing laps as you go down various aisles, so you can run into the same person several times, giving you opportunities to build up some attraction.” He suggests starting with some eye contact the first time you see someone you like. Then the next time you see them, try making a joke. And the next time you cross paths, if the conditions are ripe (pun intended) you can playfully touch them on the arm.

It’s all in the approach

What’s one of Devon’s favorite ways to approach someone in a grocery store? “I’ll walk up to someone who is reading the ingredients on the back of a box, like many people are doing these days since they’re into healthy eating. Then I’ll say in an authoritative voice “Excuse me miss… this isn’t a library. If you want to read it, you can buy it.” Then I walk away after making my joke, knowing I’ll probably see them again later and can follow up with “The movie was better, wasn’t it?””

“I also like to look at the items in someone’s cart and say “You’re either very creative or slightly crazy.” The person is usually intrigued by this and wants to know why I have made that assumption. I follow by suggesting that they are planning to cook something with everything that’s in their cart, saying “That’s quite the green onion, graham cracker, tilapia, peanut butter casserole you’re going to make.””

As Devon’s examples illustrate, humor can go a long way when you’re breaking the ice. It eases tension and it shows you are clever and self-assured, which are both attractive qualities in a mate.

Need more grocery store pick-up line ideas? Sometimes cheesy humor works, too. Try these suggestions (don’t blame us if they don’t quite work as well as Devon’s):

“I’d better get a name tag, because I’m checking you out.” 

(In the seafood section) “Pssst… you can stop looking now. The catch of the day is right here.”

“I’m not a piece of meat… but I am very rare and tender.” 

“Do you know where I can find some antacid? You’re making my heart burn.”

“Mmm do you love ice cream as much as I do? (Yes) Great! Wanna spoon?”

“I hope you want a big wedding because I cantaloupe.” 

Need some more inspiration? Break the ice with our pick-up line generator:

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