The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Guide to Peppers

Peppers are a big family. Any time you go to the grocery store, you probably run into a few. They come in a variety of shapes and colors and degrees of heat, so it’s well worth getting know the different types. Let’s investigate.

 What they’re all about

“Pepper” refers to members of the Capsicum family, which includes sweet and spicy varieties. Apparently the name was given by Christopher Columbus after bringing plants back to Europe. Peppers are native to Mexico, Central America and northern South America, and are technically a fruit, though we often think of them as vegetables. They’re high in vitamin C and carotenoids and low in calories, so pretty healthy.

Sweeter things

If you’ve ever been to Australia or India, or watched a cooking show from either place, you know that “capsicum” is the word those countries use to refer to heatless varieties. In North America we call them green peppers (or red, orange, or other colours) or bell peppers.

Feeling the heat

In many places, chili peppers are just referred to as “chillies”, which is the opposite of how they make your mouth feel. There is much more variation of taste and spiciness among chili peppers, which have been used in cooking in the Americas for nearly 10,000 years. The amount of heat in chili peppers is measured in Scoville heat units—the higher the rating, the more pain you’ll feel. A bell pepper has an SHU of zero, while a jalapeño pepper might reach around 3000. Toward the hotter end of the scale is the habañero pepper, which can score 300,000 SHUs or higher. The hottest pepper, the Carolina Reaper, can reach over 2,000,000. Be sure to use gloves if you’re handling one of the hotter types.

Cooking and eating

Several Luvo products include peppers of all kinds, from Chicken Chorizo Chili to Coconut Pilaf. Bell peppers are super-adaptable, good as a side or something to stuff. Chili peppers are, of course, made to provide flavor and heat or to make dips, jellies, sauces, stir-fries, and much more. Here are a few ideas for cooking with peppers.

How do you like your peppers? Share your secrets in the comments and on Twitter at @luvoinc.

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