The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


Combating Post-Happy Hour Cravings

Did somebody say TGIF? Or maybe its TGITH/TGIW/TGIT- even TGIM, I’m not here to judge how you see fit to relax after a hectic day! In my opinion, most days SHOULD end with an hour of happiness! From the barrage of emails and meetings; workouts and dog walks; group texts and Facebook stalking of a (most definite) future husband- the end of the work day can be exhausting.

You’re tired, burnt out, and mama needs a cold, discounted glass of chardonnay and an hour of office gossip. It’s called decompression; Happy hours are good for the soul and the wallet, with half priced booze and fried food to soothe those frayed ends. But indulgences come at a cost, like a bad relationship, cheap drinks, and fried food have repercussions – but a girl’s got to eat.

Sure, you can gobble down a plethora of Happy Hour delicacies- but do you really want to throw that hour long Barre class into a plate of truffle fries? Is the 45-minute personal training session with Helga really worth those fried mozzarella balls? If you answered yes, you’ve had one too many Spritzers. Back away from the bar! Think of half-priced Happy hour appetizers like the $15 shirt rack at Nordstrom: just because it’s on sale, doesn’t mean you can pull off that shade of orange.

Forcibly pry your hands from the Happy Hour menu and say no, my friend. You are onto the next level, Happy Hour mastership, so say goodbye to Rhonda, your snarky office bff, down a glass of water and hail a cab.

Once home, you’re at the point of hunger desperation. The wine is wearing off, there’s NOTHING easy or healthy to make, and that bag of tortilla chips has been giving you vibes ever since you arrived. It’s a pivotal point in your night: you’ve entered the Post-Happy hour zone, a pre-funk limbo.

With a freezer stocked full of our well-balanced, Luvo meals, you could pop a dinner in the oven before walking your dog. After your tipsy walk around the block, come back to a cooled down, perfectly portioned, wholesome meal ready for ravenous consumption. Having delicious Luvo meals on hand ensure that you’re eating fresh, flash frozen nutrients and whole grains. Our nutritious meals help soak up any lingering Chardonnay and sustain your energy for the rest of the night!

Unfortunately, with no Luvo meals at hand, you must prepare and cook dinner. After cleaning the kitchen, you collapse from fatigue. You wake to missed calls/texts/hopes/dreams. Friends ask where you are? Why didn’t you make it out? Rhonda’s message says the stud-muffin (most-definite-future-husband) you’ve had your eyes on for months was asking about you but left with someone else. Don’t resign yourself to another night with your life partner, Netflix. Take control of your health, life and happiness. Conquer the night with Luvo!

One thought on “Combating Post-Happy Hour Cravings”

  1. ann says:

    Hilarious and so true! I love it. LOL

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