The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


How to Eat Healthy While You Travel

We’ve all been there. You’re in a foreign city, sleep-deprived and trying to find your bearings, but your phone’s map doesn’t work because you don’t want to rack up roaming charges. It’s the absolute worst time to be low on energy because you haven’t eaten well, or haven’t eaten anything at all. The good news? With a little foresight and a few common sense moves, you can be fully charged, alert and well on your way to wherever you need to go. In honor of National Healthy Eating Day, here are a few top tips on how to stay healthy while you travel.

delta-flying-tips-snack-boostyourwater-luvo Pack a Snack When You Check-In Online

Like the jet airliner you’re about to board, you need fuel. One thing I’ve learned from extensive travel and living abroad is super simple and easy to remember: Pack a snack when you check in online for your flight. Make it your two-step ritual 24 hours before your flight. Check in and pick your seat, then make yourself a snack and immediately put it in your carry-on so you’re not scrambling at the last minute or picking up something sugary at the airport that you might regret later. What if you never check in online? Easy. Pack the snack before you go to bed the night before.

Snack Smart

So what do you bring? Pick something that packs well, lasts a while and gives you energy. My go-to is trail mix. It’s the perfect food, because you can customize it to your preferences (e.g., cashews), bring as much as you want, eat a few handfuls at a time, and if you put it a reusable plastic bag with a sealable top, it fits around anything in your carry-on. Beef jerky, apples and carrot sticks are other good options, but if you’re traveling internationally, regulations might prevent you from being able to bring these items—check before you go.

delta-flying-tips-snack-packasnack-luvo Drink Lots of Water—Not Just Coffee

My tendency when I’m traveling is to mainline coffee all day. At the airport, on the flight, at the hotel, on my first walkabout—coffee is everywhere. If you’re sleep deprived, in a different time zone and geographically discombobulated, constant cupping seems like a great idea, but it’s not. You won’t sleep well, your head will buzz and, if you’re like me, you get really cranky after three cups.

It’s common sense. Bring a reusable water bottle and fill it up at the airport, when you arrive and when you’re leaving. Air travel tends to be dehydrating, and having enough fluids in your system is essential. You’ll feel way better.

Find Something Fresh delta-flying-tips-snack-smarter-luvo

So you’ve arrived, congratulations! Where are we going for dinner? Trying the local cuisine is a big part of any travel experience, but if you always eat out you’re more likely to overindulge on big portions and rich foods. After a few days you’ll feel logy and lethargic. The second question you can ask when you check in at a hotel (after “Can I get an upgrade?”) should be, “Where is the nearest grocery store?”

Alternate restaurant meals with hotel picnics featuring fresh foods. Buy some bread, fruit, cheese, red peppers, cherry tomatoes and a bottle of the local wine and you’ve got yourself a perfect picnic spread. It’s often much cheaper, potentially healthier (if you choose wisely) and you get to scope out the interesting local packaging. While you’re at it, buy bananas, yogurt and cereal for breakfast and skip the hotel buffet one day.

One last idea: Before you fly, find out if there are any farmers’ markets in the area you’re staying. They are ideal for finding local fruits and veggies, fresh-baked bread, local delicacies and many other healthy options. Plus, you get to walk around, stretch your legs and chat with locals—one of the true pleasures of traveling someplace new. And don’t forget that when you fly Delta, you fly with us! Be on the lookout for our fresh, new wraps, coming aboard in 2016!

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