The Fresh Blog

Lifestyle, Health, Nutrition & Inspiration from Luvo


How to ‘Kill it’ at The Farmers Market

Buying your groceries at farmers markets is a great way to get fresh, local produce that’s in season and oh-so-delicious. You also get to meet the people who grew your food, which is pretty cool in itself.

Shopping at a farmers market is a bit different than going to your local grocery store, so we’ve compiled some tips to help you make the most of your farmers market trip.

Have a Plan

Research which local produce is in season so you have an idea of what to expect, then plan your shopping list accordingly. You might find some surprises there, too, such as homemade preserves, bread and other products handmade with love from the local bounty, so be prepared for some unplanned purchases.


Bring some reusable bags you can stuff with as many farmers market goodies as you need. Shopping bags are one thing, but if you want to take it to the next level you can also find handy reusable produce bags to wrap individual purchases inside your big bag. Some farmers markets sell reusable bags, but if they don’t and you have trouble finding them, you can order some cute ones online through Me & You.

how-to-shop-farmers-container Reuse Containers

You know those clamshell containers that usually house grape tomatoes and lettuce from the grocery store? Why not reuse them when they’re empty? Wash them out and bring them to the market to pack up tomatoes and other delicate produce for safe transport.

Bring Cash

Some vendors at farmers markets accept cards, but many don’t, so it’s a good idea to bring cash. Bring enough for all your purchases because ATMs may be few and far between. Having a budget can also help you spend your money wisely and stop you from splurging on every delicious goodie you see.

Get There Early (or Late)

You can avoid the crowds and also get the best selection if you go to your local farmers market early. Go late and you may be able to snag some deals as vendors try to get rid of their stock at the end of the day.

Have Fun!

Many farmers markets offer much more than just produce vendors. Some also include live entertainment, food trucks, and more. Think of it as more than grabbing your groceries… it’s a fun day for the whole family and a great way to eat healthy, support local farmers, and do something good for the environment, too.




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